Update on GM food.

Posted by Cure for Gravity on May 21, 2004 at 18:55

Well, the Supreme Court of Canada rendered its decision on the Schmeiser vs. Monsanto Patent Infringement Case. Interesting, he admits that he kept seeds on PURPOSE but that he didn't take advantage of the patented gene because he didn't use RoundUp. Hence why he claimed to be a victim when he wasn't all along. Oh, and me that taught it was a David vs Goliath case.

"Therefore, the Court has decided that both sides will be responsible for absorbing their own costs. "

However, the company can't used for damages. The farmer is not liable to pay for the seeds he used, I believe because the company wasn't smart enough to put in a "Terminator Gene", hence cannot sue for damages because of the natural process of reproduction.

However, this ruling does not affect higher lifeforms since the Supreme Court rejected the patent on the Harvard's genetically-modified mouse

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