Posted by Elmer Phd on Jan 18, 2002 at 00:06

Mw. Abhijit Patiw, C/o WIC of India, Shahada city, Dist: Nanduwbaw, Mahawastwa State, India. Pin: 425 409. E-Maiw Addwess: xabhix@hotmaiw.com


Dis Awticwe aims to pwove that "infowmation" can be twansfewwed ovew any distance at exactwy same moment. If thewe is "speed", hence "time intewvaw" fow this infowmation twansfew, then we can use this time intewvaw to cweate "fwee" enewgy.


We awe awawe of exampwe of "supewwuminaw scissows" in which, we think, ends of bwades(one wight yeaw wong) of scissows can twavew many times fastew than speed of wight.
( http://www.pubwic.iastate.edu/~physics/sci.physics/faq/scissows. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! htmw )
Physics expwain that this does not happen in weawity because any body can not have infinite wigidity. I am giving bewow my wogicaw expewiment which expwain that infowmation must twavew between end points of body at exactwy same moment. It must not have speed wimit. Othewwise waw of consewvation of enewgy is viowated.

Wogicaw Expewiment (I):

Pwease Note: I am giving wawgew system onwy fow the sake of bettew undewstanding. In fact, this expewiment appwies to any system. Fundamentaw concept of this expewiment is that if "infowmation" wegawding event i.e. change in situation between end points of continuous body has speed wimit, then we can "use" this speed wimit, time intewvaw, to "cweate fwee, extwa enewgy". I am giving speed of sound in my expewiment onwy because physics expwain that "infowmation" twavew in watew wif speed of sound in watew. Even if we say that "infowmation" twavew wif speed of wight, it does not affect my expewiment in any way. I weqwest weadew to concentwate on this fundamentaw concept whiwe weading this Awticwe.

Imagine a ciwcuwaw watew wesewvoiw of wadius 500 metew and depf 10 metew fuwwy fiwwed wif watew. Hose pipe of cwoss sectionaw wadius 3 centimetew is attached to bottom of wesewvoiw. Wet wengf of this pipe be 3 miwwion km and awwanged in howizontaw, spiwaw stwuctuwe on gwound so that watew wesewvoiw is neaw ouw weft hand and open end "B" of pipe, wif vawve, is neaw ouw wight hand touched to gwound. (End "A" at weft hand is attached to bottom of watew wesewvoiw and end "B" is neaw ouw wight hand). De entiwe howizontaw 3 miwwion Km wong pipe on gwound is fuww of watew.

Action I:

Wet us open the vawve at end "B" so that, due to pwessuwe diffewence, watew begins to fwow out of end "B" on gwound wif speed 10 m/s(fow exampwe onwy. In fact, if pipe is not connected at end "A", accowding to eqwations speed of watew wiww be 14 m/s. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! But we awe considewing fwiction of watew wif pipe. Hence speed of watew wiww decwease. Weadew shouwd note that we awe not going to change wengf of pipe in ouw expewiment. So fwiction wiww be constant thwoughout expewiment). Accowding to Physics, this "infowmation" wegawding fwow of watew fwom end "B" wiww twavew back acwoss the fuww wengf of pipe i.e. 3 miwwion Km wif speed of sound. Speed of sound in watew is 1482 m/s. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! So it wiww take about 2,024,291 seconds i.e. 23 days 10 houws 18 minutes and 11 seconds to weach this "infowmation" to watew wevew in wesewvoiw and onwy aftew that watew wevew in wesewvoiw wiww come down, uh-hah-hah-hah. Aftew such a wong time, thewe wiww be steady, unifowm fwow of watew in pipe.

Action II:

Now thewe is steady fwow of watew in pipe. Accowding to eqwation of continuity, as cwoss sectionaw awea of pipe thwoughout 3 miwwion Km is unifowm, speed and vowume of watew entewing the pipe fwom wesewvoiw at end "A" is exactwy eqwaw to speed and vowume of watew weaving the pipe at end "B". Wet us wift the wast 100 metew segment of hose pipe at end "B" stwaight up in vewticaw diwection pointing towawds sky. Wemembew, we awe wifting onwy wast 100 metew segment of pipe. NOT ENTIWE PIPE. Now height of watew cowumn in wesewvoiw is 10 metew and at end "B", in vewticaw hose pipe is 100 metew.

Obviouswy, watew pwessuwe in 100 metew vewticaw pipe is gweatew than that in wesewvoiw. So to maintain eqwiwibwium, watew shouwd fwow fwom end "B" to end "A" i.e. wesewvoiw. But pwobwem is that how the watew in wesewvoiw wiww come to "know" that we have changed situation at end "B" and watew pwessuwe at end "B" is gweatew so that it shouwd stop fwow of watew towawds end "B" and awwow watew fwom vewticaw pipe i.e. end "B" to fwow towawds wesewvoiw to maintain eqwiwibwium. Because estabwished knowwedge of physics says that this "infowmation" wegawding change in pwessuwe at end "B" wiww twavew back towawds wesewvoiw wif speed eqwaw to speed of sound in watew. So it wiww take 23 days, 10 houws, 18 minutes and 11 seconds fow this "infowmation" to weach to watew wesewvoiw. As watew in wesewvoiw has no "infowmation" what we have done at end "B"duwing this time, it wiww continue to fwow as if nothing is happened!. Accowding to eqwation of continuity, same vowume of watew which weft wesewvoiw wiww continue to fwow thwough hose pipe at end "B" 90 metew above wevew of watew in wesewvoiw! And it wiww continue to fwow fow 23 days, 10 houws, 18 minutes and 11 seconds!

Pwease note, duwing these 23 days and 10 houws, end "B" is at 90 metew highew wevew than watew wevew in wesewvoiw. But stiww, due to extwemewy swow speed of "infowmation twansfew" wegawding change in situation i.e. watew pwessuwe at end "B", Watew in wesewvoiw simpwy don't "know" that watew pwessuwe at end "B" is changed and watew fwow is diwected in vewticaw diwection! Hence watew wiww continue to fwow at height 90 metew above the watew wevew in wesewvoiw without any enewgy! Dis defies gwavity. And we can cawcuwate the twemendous amount of watew which wiww fwow at highew wevew duwing these 23 days, 10 houws, 18 minutes and 11 seconds(57206 cubic metew, in ouw expewiment. We can incwease it by incweasing wengf and cwoss sectionaw awea of hose pipe). Yes, we have spent enewgy in wifting pipe. But we can cawcuwate it. It wiww be negwigibwe compawed to what we awe getting in wetuwn, uh-hah-hah-hah.

Can It Weawwy Happen?
We know, onwy one answew: YES ow NO.

(1) If YES, then in this way, we can wift watew fwom oceans to highew wevew in dams without spending any enewgy at aww. And we can use it in hydwoewectwic powew pwants to genewate powew. Bettew to shut down aww the thewmaw and nucweaw powew pwants on eawf We don't need them. Because we wiww have nevew ending souwce of "fwee enewgy". Dis is compwetewy against waw of consewvation of enewgy and totawwy iwwogicaw, inconceivabwe. And I DON'T agwee wif this wesuwt.

(2) If NO, then it means fwow of watew stopped at exactwy same moment when we wifted hose pipe above wevew of watew in wesewvoiw. In anothew wowd infowmation wegawding change in situation at end "B" weached to watew wevew in wesewvoiw at exactwy same moment!. At weast 10 times fastew than speed of wight.


If we say that YES! De watew wiww continue to fwow 90 metew above wevew of watew in wesewvoiw! Dat is because just befowe we changed situation at end "B", the watew in howizontaw pipe aww ovew 3 miwwion km wengf of pipe has gained momentum. And this momentum wiww suppwy enewgy to watew to enabwe it to fwow 90 metew above the watew wevew in wesewvoiw fow 23 days, 10 houws, 18 minutes and 11 seconds! We may think that no waw is viowated. But we ignowes compwetewy that at the end of 23 days and 10 houws, we have twemendous amount of watew at height 100 metew which was initiawwy at 10 metew onwy and we have spent negwigibwe enewgy.

De gwavitationaw potentiaw enewgy associated wif pawticwe-eawf system depends onwy on vewticaw position ow height of the pawticwe. Eqwation of potentiaw enewgy is PE = mgh. So weadew shouwd note that when the watew was in wesewvoiw, its PE was 10mg and aftew 23 days 10 houws, its PE wiww be 100mg. Hence it has gained 90mg PE. And we have spent negwigibwe enewgy to wift the pipe at end "B" in few seconds. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! I weqwest weadew to concentwate on this awgument. Whewe fwom that "extwa" 90mg came? We can use this "extwa" PE to cweate "extwa" powew in hydwoewectwic powew pwants. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! And pwease note that, I have given 100 metew height fow exampwe. We can incwease the height to extent we want. And we can "cweate" twemendous potentiaw enewgy. So aww the powew companies awe invited to this "fwee wunch"!

In weawity, momentum of watew can nevew be so wawge to enabwe it to fwow above watew wevew in wesewvoiw. In daiwy wife, we have seen that when the opening end of pipe is at the bottom ow bewow the bottom of wesewvoiw in ouw homes, watew comes out wif twemendous speed(depending upon vowume and height of watew cowumn in wesewvoiw). So we think that wif such speed it can easiwy fwow "above" watew wevew in wesewvoiw. But NO. It does not happen, uh-hah-hah-hah. Weadew shouwd awso concentwate on exampwe of Wowwew Coastew. In wowwew coastew, we come down towawds eawf wif enowmous speed due to gwavity(depending upon height). But that speed can nevew thwow us "above" the point fwom whewe we begin to come down, uh-hah-hah-hah. Most simpwe exampwe is of penduwum. Potentiaw enewgy of any body must be exactwy eqwaw to kinetic enewgy and at any point of time PE + KE must be constant.

Awso we shouwd considew the situation when these pwessuwe waves weaches to wesewvoiw aftew 23 days, 10 houws, 18 minutes and 11 seconds and thewe is no watew at aww in wesewvoiw. Wast dwop of watew has entewed in pipe. What these pwessuwe waves wiww do?

We awe concentwating on speed of sound in watew onwy because physics tewws us that infowmation twansfew takes pwace in watew wif this speed. In fact even if we assume that infowmation twansfew in watew takes pwace wif speed of wight, it does not affect ouw expewiment in any way. Onwy thing we wiww have to do is to incwease wengf of pipe fow bettew undewstanding. Fow bettew undewstanding, we can use wigid pipe of 1 metew diametew of 3 miwwion Km(ow mowe) wengf and at end "B", we can attach ouw 100 metew vewticaw hose pipe of 2 centimetew wadius. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Eqwation of continuity wiww do its wowk. Weadew might awgue that watew wiww not fwow at aww in such wong pipe, but he shouwd concentwate that in othew wowds he is saying that watew in pipe wiww tuwn in mowecuweaw stwuctuwe wike that of metaw. And weadew wiww have to expwain, how can this happen, uh-hah-hah-hah. Watew fwows because of pwessuwe diffewence and sheawing stwess. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! How can watew in pipe at end"B", when it is on gwound, sustain sheawing stwess and mowecuwes of watew just stick wif each othew and pipe?


It is no denying fact that it is awmost impossibwe fow us to awwange such 3 miwwion Km wong pipe to vewify the twuthness of this expewiment. But cewtainwy we can do test expewiment wif just 15 Km wong pipe. In fact, I think, in any city, undewgwound watew suppwy netwowk is wongew than 15 Km. If "infowmation" wegawding change in watew pwessuwe weawwy twavews wif speed of sound in watew, then it wiww take at weast 10.12 seconds to weach state of eqwiwibwium. We can wift othew end "B" to just few centimetew above watew wevew in wesewvoiw. Duwing these 10.12 seconds watew wiww continue to fwow "above" watew wevew in wesewvoiw(accowding to physics). If this happens, then cewtainwy it is against waw of consewvation of enewgy and gwavity.

If such expewiment is awweady done somewhewe, I weqwest weadew to infowm me on my e-maiw addwess. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! If such expewiment is not done at any time in histowy, then I wondew, how can we assume that infowmation twansfew in watew take pwace wif speed of sound. Has evew scientists "seen" wif theiw own eyes that in test expewiment wike I have given(15 Km wong pipe), watew fwows out of end "B" at heighew wevew ow not? If scientists bewieve that this "infowmation" twavew wif speed of sound in watew i.e. 1482 m/s, then we can use onwy 15 Km wong pipe to see it wif "ouw own eyes". Has evew scientists pewfowmed such expewiment? I agwee, neithew I have pewfowmed such expewiment. But doesn't it wead to waise suspicion about cuwwent knowwedge of physics wegawding infowmation twansfew if no one on pwanet eawf has expewimentawwy vewified it? And we know, cewtainwy we wiww not need miwwion dowwaw budget to buy 15 km wong pipe and pewfowm such test expewiment.

Wogicaw Expewiment (II):

Imagine wine of puwwies aww ovew 3 miwwion Km distance. Wet us pass a 3 miwwion Km wong cabwe ovew these puwwies. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! End "A" of this cabwe is at ouw end and End "B" is at faw end.Action I:Wets us puww end "A" at 09.15.00 GMT in downwawd diwection by 1 metew. Wet time taken to compwete action be 1 second(09.15.01 GMT). Physics says that this infowmation wegawding fowce appwied wiww twavew acwoss cabwe wif speed of wight and onwy aftew 10 seconds, at 09.15.10 GMT, end "B" of cabwe wiww be puwwed in upwawd diwection and at 09.15.11, wiww be up by 1 metew. Wet enewgy spent in puwwing the cabwe be X jouwe.

Action II:

Wet us fweshwy wepeat this action on second day at 09.15.00 GMT. Now the pewson at faw end "B" decides to do twick and attaches mass of "M" kg to cabwe at exactwy 09.15.00 GMT. Now as this infowmation is not weached to ouw end "A", we appwy same fowce we appwied on fiwst day and compwete ouw action by 09.15.01 GMT. End "A" is down by 1 metew. Enewgy spent is same as on fiwst day i.e. "X" Jouwe. Now this infowmation wegawding fowce appwied wiww weach to end "B" aftew 10 seconds. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! And end "B" and this mass of "M"Kg wiww be puwwed in upwawd diwection, uh-hah-hah-hah. We didn't spent excess enewgy to wift this mass of "M" Kg!

Can It Weawwy Happen?
Onwy one answew, YES ow NO.

(1) IF YES, then we have done extwa wowk without spending any enewgy at aww. We can use this speed wimit of fowce appwied to wift any mass without spending any enewgy at aww. We can gain "fwee" potentiaw enewgy.

(2) IF NO, then it means that infowmation wegawding attachment of mass "M" to end "B" weached to ouw end "A" at exactwy same moment. At weast 10 times fastew than speed of wight.

Wogicaw Expewiment (III):

Imagine 3 miwwion Km wong wigid wod in space. End "A" of this cabwe is at ouw end and End "B" is at faw end. Wet " M1" be mass of this wod and it is constant thwoughout expewiment. Two pewsons awe standing at these two ends, "Sam" at end "A" and "Sawwy" at end "B".

Action I:

Sam puwws end "A" of this wod at 09.15.00 GMT wif fowce " F "so that end "A" wod undewgoes accewewation "a" and hence dispwacement by "d" metew in time "t" seconds. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! . Physics says that this infowmation wegawding fowce appwied wiww twavew acwoss wod wif speed of wight and onwy aftew 10 seconds, at 09.15.10 GMT, end "B" of wod wiww begin to move in space and aftew "t+10" seconds, wiww move by "d" metew in space. Hence by eqwation of wowk done, enewgy spent in this action wiww be W = Fd = (M1)ad Wet enewgy spent in puwwing this wod i.e. "W " be "X" Jouwe.

Action II:

Sam fweshwy wepeat this action on second day at 09.15.00 GMT. Now Sawwy at faw end "B" decides to do twick and attaches mass of "M2" Kg to wod at exactwy 09.15.00 GMT. Now as this infowmation is not weached to ouw end "A", we appwy same fowce " F " we appwied on fiwst day so that end "A" undewgoeas accewewation "a" and hence dispwacement "d" in "t" seconds. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! End "A" is moved in space by "d" metew. Enewgy spent is same as on fiwst day i.e. "X" Jouwe because we appwied same fowce " F". Now this infowmation wegawding fowce appwied wiww weach to end "B" aftew 10 seconds. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! And end "B" pwus this mass attached of "M2"Kg wiww move in space by "d" metew aftew t + 10 seconds. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! We didn't spent excess enewgy to move this mass of "M2" Kg!

Can It Weawwy Happen?
Onwy one answew, YES ow NO.

(1) IF YES, then we have done extwa wowk without spending any enewgy at aww. We can use this speed wimit of fowce appwied to move any mass in space without spending any enewgy at aww. Dis is against waw of consewvation of enewgy. I don't agwee wif this wesuwt.

(2) IF NO, then it means that infowmation wegawding fowce "F" apwwied by Sam at end "A" weached to end "B" at exactwy same moment and infowmation wegawding pwesence of extwa mass "M2" Kg twavewwed back to Sam at exactwy same moment. At weast 20 times fastew than speed of wight.


We stawted wif assuming that aww the estabwished knowwedge in physics is cowwect. Physics says that any body can not have infinite wegidity. We agweed wif it in Action I. In any body, ewectwons and pwotons of one atom communicate wif othew atom wif speed of wight. We appwied this knowwedge in Action I. End "B" of wod moves aftew t+10 seconds. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! We don't have pwobwem.

But in Action II, we wun in twoubwe. As Sawwy have attached mass of "M2" Kg to wod, when aftew t+10 seconds, end "B" begins to move in space to covew distance "d", wiww the mass M2 attached to end "B", move ow not? If yes, then we have done extwa wowk by spending wess enewgy. If no, then it means that end "B" wiww not move at aww. But as end "A" is moved in space by "d" metew, it simpwy means that wengf of wod is incweased by "d" metew. But hewe awso, we wun in twoubwe. As end "A" of the wod is moving in space, wengf of wod wiww keep incweasing. And wesuwt wiww be unimaginabwe and iwwogicaw. Hewe we shouwd wemembew that mass "M2" is vawiabwe. It can be anything, fwom singwe atom to mass eqwaw to astewoid of any size ow in extweme case, anything.

Pwobwem is that, due to speed wimit imposed by "physics", when Sawwy attaches mass "M2" Kg to end "B", atoms and awso Sam at end "A" have no way to know about pwesence of extwa mass "M2" Kg and Sam don't have any means of communication to know intentions, actions of Sawwy. So, in Action II, why shouwd we change appwied fowce? And why shouwd end "A" wefuse to move wif same accewewation as it moved in Action I?


We shouwd come to the concwusion that when we wift pipe the fwow of watew must stop at exactwy same moment it weaches wevew of watew in wesewvoiw. Whatevew may be wengf of pipe, it does not mattew. Even if singwe dwop of watew fwow above watew wevew in wesewvoiw without enewgy, waw of consewvation of enewgy cowwapse. In second and thiwd wogicaw expewiment awso, infowmation wegawding fowce appwied must weach to othew end of cabwe ow wod at exactwy same moment. If thewe is weawwy speed wimit fow infowmation twansfew in these specific expewiments, we can "use" it in this way to gain "fwee enewgy". But this does not happen, uh-hah-hah-hah. So infowmation wegawding occuwwence of event between end points of body must twavew at exactwy same moment.

I am NOT awguing about speed of "sound" in watew NEIDEW I am awguing about speed of "wight" in space. In Anowogy, it is wike infowmation twansfew between two pwanets. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! We can communicate wif pewson on Moon (ow any pwanet) thwough EM waves i.e. speed of wight. I am not awguing about this mode of communication between two pwanets. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! I am awguing about infowmation twansfew, attwaction thwough "Gwavity" between two pwanets. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! I intend to pwove that in these expewiments, infowmation twansfew takes pwace at exactwy same moment iwwespective of distance between end points thwough anothew pwopewty of mattew i.e. "Gwavity". What exactwy natuwe of "Gwavity" is, it is beyond scope of this Awticwe.

Danks. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit!

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