Archive | Reproductive Health


Alarming sperm quality decline in Finland

Over the last 10 years, Finnish researchers have charted a dramatic decline in both sperm quality and sperm counts in Finnish men. Additionally, cases of testicular cancer are skyrocketing and the scientific community is at a loss as to what could be having such an impact on male reproductive health. Reporting their findings in the […]

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Aspirin, ibuprofen linked to impotence

Erectile dysfunction is often one of the first symptoms men with cardiovascular disease exhibit, leading Kaiser Permanente researchers to believe that drugs such as aspirin (often taken to help prevent heart disease) would benefit erectile function, but instead they found just the opposite. Writing about their findings in The Journal of Urology, the researchers said […]

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DNA tests create incest dilemma

The use of DNA microarrays to diagnose developmental disabilities and congenital anomalies in children can also unexpectedly identify that some of those children have been conceived through incest, creating social and legal issues that are now challenging the scientific community. To understand the ramifications of these chance discoveries, medical researchers from the Baylor College of […]

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Study links morning after pill to jump in STDs

Offering the morning after pill over-the-counter without fee in the UK has not reduced the number of teenage pregnancies and researchers at the University of Nottingham say it may be associated with a 12 percent hike in sexually-transmitted diseases in under-16s. Researchers David Paton and Sourafel Girma used local health authority data to study the […]

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Courtship affects gene expression

Some of the mysteries of human mating behavior could now be explained thanks to a new study that shows that certain genes become activated in fruit flies when they interact with the opposite sex. Understanding why and how these genes become activated within social contexts may also lead to insights into disorders such as autism, […]

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Antioxidants causing fertility problems

Antioxidants are a popular dietary supplement but we still don’t have a complete understanding of how they act in our bodies. Now, new research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences warns about a possible unexpected side effect of antioxidants: they may cause fertility problems in females. Common antioxidants include vitamins C and […]

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