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The prettier the guiltier

Past research has linked physical attractiveness to success in a variety of fields, but a new study from the University of Granada (Spain) shows that beauty can be a handicap when it comes to culpability in domestic violence crimes. The research, published in the European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, looked specifically at […]

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Adolescent boys aspire to be average

An intriguing study that looked at male adolescence and body image found a prevailing view among boys that the pursuit of a chiseled body was unnatural and feminine, and that most boys simply wanted an “average” physique. The study was conducted by researchers from Concordia University and the University of Manitoba and published in the […]

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Recycled Algorithm Sharpens Astronomical Images

A fast and efficient image enhancement technique that was originally applied to improving monochrome microscope images has proved itself equally effective at the other end of the scale – sharpening details on color images of distant galaxies produced by the Hubble Space Telescope. Its effectiveness at cleaning up images from outer space (before and after […]

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Engineers Come Up With Undetectable Radar System

Engineers from Ohio State University have put together a radar system that is virtually undetectable, thanks to its signal resembling nothing more than random noise. Ohio researcher, Eric K. Walton, said the new system could have applications in law enforcement, the military, disaster rescue and medical imaging. “Almost all radio receivers in the world are […]

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