Tag Archives | brain


Scans reveal frenzied activity inside the autistic brain

Neuroscientists say that the brains of autistic children generate significantly more information in a resting state, a discovery that helps explain the most typical characteristic of autism – withdrawal into one’s own inner world. The researchers, from Case Western Reserve University and the University of Toronto, have published their intriguing findings in the journal Frontiers […]

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Study reveals how ecstasy triggers euphoria

A study in the journal Biological Psychiatryreveals for the first time how the illicit drug ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA)) produces feelings of euphoria in users. The researchers, from Imperial College London, say their findings hint at ways that ecstasy might be used in the treatment of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). MDMA has previously been […]

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Ultrasound used to enhance senses

Ultrasound is widely used in medicine to reveal what’s happening inside the body, but scientists at Virginia Tech have found that ultrasound can also modulate brain activity to heighten sensory perception in humans. Researcher William Tyler (pictured) said his team’s work provides the first proof that low-intensity, transcranial-focused ultrasound can modulate human brain activity to […]

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A good book can rewire your brain

The scientists behind a novel study into reading say that when we immerse ourselves into a work of fiction, lingering changes occur in the connectivity of our brains. The intriguing new findings, by researchers at Emory University, have been published in the journal Brain Connectivity. “Stories shape our lives and in some cases help define […]

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Alzheimer’s may begin in childhood

The people who carry the high-risk SORL1 gene for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease show changes in their brains beginning in early childhood, according to researchers from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). SORL1 is one of a number of genes linked to an increased risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. It carries the gene code […]

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Researchers isolate protein that delivers brain benefits of exercise

A protein produced during endurance exercise has been isolated and given to non-exercising mice, where it switched on genes that promote brain health and encouraged the growth of new nerves and synapses involved in learning and memory. The breakthrough was reported by scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School and is detailed in […]

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Brain connectivity may have sparked Einstein’s brilliance

A new analysis technique that compared Albert Einstein’s brain to others of the period shows the left and right cerebral hemispheres of the famous scientist’s brain were unusually well connected to each other. This connectivity may have contributed to his brilliance, according to Florida State University evolutionary anthropologist Dean Falk. Falk was part of a […]

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Brain mapping gets a reality check

The idea that researchers can unravel different brain functions by performing MRI scans while subjects perform tasks is deeply flawed, say Case Western Reserve University scientists in a scathing critique of recent high profile studies that rely on neuroimaging. The new work calls into question the findings from recent diverse experiments that have linked different […]

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