SS Major Remer vs Lt. Schonbeck-Operation Valkyrie WW II-2 Autograph Photos-COAs For Sale
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SS Major Remer vs Lt. Schonbeck-Operation Valkyrie WW II-2 Autograph Photos-COAs:
Original and Hand-signed Autographed 4x6 Photo Post Card of and by SS Major Otto Remer, Knights Cross Holder who put down Col. Stauffenberg\'s Valkyrie Plot to assassinate the German Fuhrer and take over the German Third Reich Government during WW II, in Excellent Condition, and the 4x6 B&W Autographed Photo of Lt. Hans Erdmann Schonbeck, a Stalingrad Survivor from the 24th Panzer Division and turned Col. Stauffenberg Conspirator, pictured in a tench at Stalingrad awaiting the next attack, in Excellent Condition. Plus the bonus 4x6 B&W Photo Reprint (unsigined) of Lt. Schonbeck pictured at OKW Field Headquarters in July 1944 just days before Col. Stauffenburgs bomb blast and assassination attempt, in Excellent Condition. Both autographed photos include a COA-Certificate of Authenticity---with a Lifetime Money Back Guarantee for signature authenticity. The signed Remer Photo Post Card was printed in limited quantities by Major Remer\'s book publisher post War as a promotion for his book. SS Major Remer has affixed his original and hand-signed autograph to the card. The signed Photo of Lt. Schonebeck pictures him in a trench at Stalingrad awaiting the next attack and was hand-signed post War. The third photo (unsigned) pictures Lt. Schonbeck pictured at OKW Headquarters, shortly before the attempt on the Fuhrer\'s life. These are original hand signed autographs and not copies.In addition, a one-page biography and a 2-page copy of a published article-interview in English with Schonbeck discussing Stalingrad and his part in the conspiracy to overthrow the German Chancellor will accompany the autographed photos, as well as a biography of SS Maj. Remer regarding his role in putting down the conspiracy. Lt. Hans-Erdmann Schonbeck was a Stalingrad survivor and later a member of the German Resistance and a Co-Conspirator in Col. Stauffenbergs Operation Valkyrie in the Plot to assassinate the German Chancellor and overthrow the Third Reich Government. At the battle of Stalingrad, Schonbeck was an officer in the 24th Panzer Division. He witnessed first-hand the early triumphs and was nearly killed there as well. He remembered it was about Christmas Eve in Stalingrad as he and 15 others awaited in a trench for the German Relief effort, but instead of the sound of Panzers getting closer, the sound was getting further away. It was a sinking feeling in his stomach when they realized the Relief effort had failed and the worst Christmas present of his life, and still, they had to fight on. Of the 240,000 German Soldiers out of 300,000 that prayed for a last plane out of Stalingrad that never came, Schonbeck, due to a stroke of bad luck and a miracle, managed to get the last plane out. In the repeated fight to the death battles, Schonbeck was hit by grenade shrapnel that temporarily blinded him and caused him a significant back and shoulder injury. As he lay in the snow severely wounded and freezing to death, another German soldier gave him a pistol with one last round for suicide for when the Russians broke through their last lines. His final thought was that this is where he would draw his last breadth, but suddenly he was being hauled aboard an airplane---the last one out. Several days later he awoke in a field hospital and then was transferred back to Berlin for surgeries and recuperation. Schonbeck was re-assigned. Disillusioned from Stalingrad, Schonbeck found himself in the company of like thinkers equally disturbed by the direction of the War and the Fuehrer. Asked more than once by his new commanding officer and part of the High Command at the Wehrmacht, Karl Heinrich Graf Von Rittberg, \"Schonbeck, I am going to ask you to ignore your oath and help me in a Great cause. Can I count on you, Schonbeck?\" The answer was always, \"Yes sir!\" from Schonbeck. Schonbeck knew the assassination would come any day and yet he said nothing and never reported it. Schonbeck became friends with Lt. Albrecht Von Hagen who was also a conspirator against the Fuehrer and already deeply involved in the conspiracy and the German Resistance with Co-Conspirator, Col. Claus Von Staffenberg. It was Lt. Hagen who obtained the materials for the bomb and assembled it. When the time came, it was Lt. Schonbeck and Lt. Hagen whose job it was to hide the bomb until the day Stauffenberg would carry it to assassinate the Fuhrer. So, the bomb was literally stashed under the bunk of Hagen and Schonbeck. Schonbeck slept next to the very bomb used in the attempt to overthrow the Fuhrer. For days they carried on their normal duties while concealing the bomb under their bunks. High ranking officers walked within in feet of where the bomb was concealed and yet Lt. Schonebeck carried on normal conversations and actions. Had the bomb been discovered, he would have been executed on the spot for high treason or arrested by the Gestapo and tortured for information. (As detailed in Peter Hoffmann\'s book, Stuaffenberg, on Pg. 237), after days of concealing the bomb with Schonbeck, \"Lt. Hagen and Lt.-Col. Klamroth, each packed half the explosives in their briefcases, and took a courier train to Berlin. On May 25th, 1944, they handed the explosives over to Col. Stuaffenberg. On July 20th, Col. Stauffenberg would make the attempt, starting Operation Valkyrie. Had the assassination succeeded, Lt. Schonbeck under the direction of Rittberg was to take up arms against the SS in the overthrow of the Third Reich Government. As it was, the assassination attempt failed, and everyone even suspected in the conspiracy whether actively involved or just knowing about it, was rounded up, interrogated and executed. General Rommel was one who knew about it but not involved and yet his fate was sealed by death. The SS German Reserve Army under Major Otto Remer started carrying out orders from Col. Stauffenberg until he heard directly from the Fuhrer that he was alive, and the attempt had failed. The Fuhrer promoted Remer two ranks and ordered him to crush the conspiracy and arrest Stauffenberg. With Stauffenberg and three others shot, a great purge in the officer core started with the arrest of many officers by the Gestapo. Among those arrested, Schonbeck was taken to an isolated and unknown location and interrogated. The Gestapo shouted and cursed him, yelling that he was a co-conspirator and kept the bomb hidden in his bunk. They claimed they already knew his guilt and he need not bother to deny it. Schonbeck repeatedly denied it and while he thought he would have surely been executed, they failed to prove their case and he was never executed. Remer, for his part, was also a Knights Cross holder in which the award was presented to him by the Fuhrer personally. A stroke of luck really, as Remer remembered the Fuhrer\'s voice and was able to recognize him when he was put on the phone with the Fuhrer during the Valkyrie Coup. (Most of the biographies and articles involving Schonbeck are in German but with this purchase, you will receive the biographies in English including a copy of this article where these quotations come from as a courtesy). The set includes the 4\"x 6\" B&W Original and Hand Signed Autographed photo of Schonbeck in a trench at Stalingrad, a second photo of Lt. Schonbeck at OKW Headquarters in 1944 (unsigned), the 4x6 Autographed Photo Post Card of SS Major Otto Remer, a COA with Money Back Guarantee of Autograph Authenticity (2) and a 1-page biography on Remer and Schonbeck, and 4-page article-interview copy. (Note that the background photos are for effect and display in this listing and are not for sale. However, you will receive copies as a courtesy in case you want to use them in your personal display). Most of the Military German Resistance was either executed or died before autographing anything. Lt. Schonbeck represents the last of the Military German Resistance during WWII that survived and autographed photos. Lt. Schonbeck passed away October 2022. A biography on Lt. Schonbeck by Tim Prose came out first of 2022 which tells his true War time story both at Stalingrad and in the Valkyrie attempt with Col. Stauffenberg to assassinate the Fuhrer and take the Government away from the Third Reich. The book was Published in German, but hopefully an English version will follow soon. Remer also published a book in 1951 where he discusses Operation Valkyrie and the Coup attempt from his perspective. Estimated Market Value of Set = $375 (Shipped Insured).
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