INTERNATIONAL Listing A Collection of US Army Unit Crests SALE 2024 For Sale

INTERNATIONAL Listing  A Collection of US Army Unit Crests  SALE 2024
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INTERNATIONAL Listing A Collection of US Army Unit Crests SALE 2024:


I have to many boxes in the house that need to go. Have 100 books left. Would love to find them a good home. Once they are gone...they are gone. I pay for priority mail shipping and post comments after I ship.

Several people have wrote me and told me that they couldn't find my book anywhere. So I'm relisting it here.

This is for US Buyers ONLY.

This book has no histories or backgrounds on any of the unit crests listed, just pictures.

“A Collection of US Army Unit Crests – InternationalEdition”, is long overdo. The last book on this subject matter waswritten by Barry J Stein in 1993. Mr Stein emailed me and was gladthat someone was finally updating a crest book. He always wanted toupdate his book but it kept being put on the back burner. He’s nowwriting books on US Army Patches, they are great books too. Mr. Stein’s 1993 book on US Army UnitCrests is still the main “go to" book for US Army Unit Crests.

Mr. Stein's book has about 3,500 units with histories and backgrounds. A Collection of US Army Unit Crests has over 13,000 unit crests, all in color. Due to the size, over 500 pages with unit crests pictures adding histories and background would add another 500 pages or more.

Itis my belief that a reader would like to identify a crest first. Thenread up on that unit from the internet. My book is mainly foridentifying the crest of a unit. Some units have the same crest, so each unit is listed with that crest. Then some units have more than one crest. Over time a unit deactivates and then is reactivated with a different unit crest.

Havinga reference book that include authorized, unauthorized, beercan,never issued, made for collectors and some odd ball crests has neverbeen published. This book is an all in one book for collectors andresearchers.This book contains over 13,000 color pictures of unit crests. It looks like the old SEARS catalog.

Puttingunit crests in branch order also gives the reader direct access toany branch. Especially those that are no longer around, likeArmy Security Agency, Army Air Corps and Tank Battalions.

Havingthe crests by branch gives the reader the choice to use onechapter of the book at a time. With this separation, the reader needsless time in finding a unit crest. when they know the branch of the crest. The pages are marked with thebranch so a reader will be able to open it up and go to the sectionthat he is looking for quickly. This makes the location of a branchmuch quicker and easier to find.

Beforethis book was published, a person would have to look in several booksto find an unknown crest. Most books on US Army Unit Crests are basedon one branch and/or a given conflict. Then these book only haveblack and white pictures for authorized crests.

Withthis book, a reader can view each page, not knowing which branch acrest is and find the unit for a crest. Some crests can bemisleading. A red crest usually means Artillery, but could be Medicalor Engineers. Without this book, a reader would have to buy at least3 different books in search of a red crest. Then if the crest was amade for collector, beercan or unauthorized crest, the reader wouldprobably not find it in those books either.

Thereisn’t any reference book, today, that also includes Army AirCorp/Army Air Force, ROTC and JROTC, and long deactivatedunits. So now the readerhas all these hard to find crests in one location.

Therehas been many times when I started searching for a crest, not knowing whatunit it was, only to find out it was a ROTC or JROTC crest. So adding ROTC and JROTC crests are included. This really helps collectors inidentifying the correct crest for the unit and saves time.

Are all US Army Unit Crests included? Of course not.. There is no unit crest book that has all unit crests. There will always be a unit crest not listed. The search for US Army Unit Crests is endless. This book was made to make the journey more enjoyable by having as many, as I could find, in one location.

MSRP $250.00

Includes a CD with a listing of all crests in the book and an UPDATE of over 500 color pictures of crests not listed in the book and/or better pictures of the ones listed.

Currently, I'm working on individual branch catalogs which will include, dates, hallmark and both color and black and white pictures. It will also have a "NO CREST FOUND" for units, after researching, that have no unit crest. Hopefully this is helpful for those looking for a crest. As always, if a crest is missing or misidentified please drop me a message so I can correct it.

Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did putting it together.

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