Facebook Founded HOLO FOIL RC 2011 Topps American Pie card 178 ✦ Mark Zuckerberg For Sale
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Facebook Founded HOLO FOIL RC 2011 Topps American Pie card 178 ✦ Mark Zuckerberg:
One of the so-called "Hidden"Foilcards.From 2011 ToppsAmericanPie,here isthe holorefractorversionof card # 178 .FACEBOOK FOUNDED.A Topps limited editioninTop-notch condition!⏳Get this one before it'sgone !
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On a few items, we mighthavemore than one, but byand largewe won't . So...in most casesif youwaittoolong, and someotheruser gets to it first,wewon't be able to helpyou.
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You can view allof ourother items byclickingthe SEE OTHER ITEMSlink,which should be locatednear our all the so-called'hidden'versionsintheAmerican Pie foilseries,it's onethat'strulytoughto find.In MOSTcaseswiththese, it'snearly impossible a strong flashlight,or otherstronglightsource, whiletrying tocatch a glimpse of foilglow, while holdingthelightat multiple anglesto the cardsurface.Eventhen, you will only see asmallpartof the card giveoff the familiarfoil"glow"and it's likely to be VERYfaint.Under the strongest lightpossible,thesecards doNOTgive off any hugeamountof rainbowglow.This happenedbecauseTopps chose photos forsomeof the card frontsthat conflicted withthecard surface. Many ofthose chosenphotoswereeithertoo dark to beginwithOR black and whiteOR wirephotos.Thosewere fine forthe basecards but,TERRIBLEphotosfor theparallelfoilversions. But Toppsdidn'tknow thatuntilafter the cards hadalready beenmade.So about20-25differentfoilcardsfrom the 200cardAmerican Pie foilset ended upbeingnearly impossibletodetect...andcertainlyNOT under standardroomlighting.If you'retrying tocompletethefoil SET from the 2011American Pie series,then you should alreadyknow this.But if you'rejust looking to get justa couple foils of yourfavorite peopleoreventsfrom this PopCulture set,be advisedof this situation.Lastly,don'tbuy ourcard in thisparticularlisting if you didn'tunderstand whatweexplainedabove ORif you're expecting atypical rainbow "glow",disregardingwhat wejust explained.Thanks.
24 pack sealed boxesof2011Topps AmericanPiearecurrently offered onin the $325.00 range,when you can actuallyfind one. Recently soldboxes havebeen near$340.00 each.Therewould be about six toeight random foil cardspersealed box out of the200 differentfoilcardsthatwere made.
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