Re: Israelis and Palis agree to live together in peace and harmony!

Posted by Mike Kremer on Apr 15, 2004 at 18:29

Re: Israelis and Palis agree to live together in peace and harmony! (Planko)

I'm not sure we would be welcomed by this Forum were we to delve too deeply into the political aspect of this troubled part of the world.
We are a Science board
So I'll keep to basics. The 'Science' of the problem as I see it, is the huge growth in population of both sides.
The influx of Jewry, with money, that bought land. Versus the large influx of 'Palestinian' Arabs from camps that were operating in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Camps in fact were used as dumping grounds for those countries misfits (for want of a better word).
There are people of many religious beliefs living in Israel. It is the Israeli's that protect their Churches. Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Russian ortho, Greek ortho, BaHai, Mormon and a Japanese sect (who consider themselves a lost tribe) and others?

As far as I know, was'nt it the Israeli's who gave/allowed the Palestinians to live in the Gaza strip hoping for peace?
I was told by someone that the Israeli's were hopeing that the Arab countrys, notably Saudi Arabia, were considering at that time, of giving the Gaza Palestinians some billions of $ So they could turn the place into a Garden of Eden. They could ...and still could, afford to do that even today.
One wonders why they did'nt and still dont?

Its interesting to note the following facts-
There are Israeli Arabs, who serve their time in the Israeli army alongside Jews.
There are also a small number of elderly Palestinian Jews, holding Palestinian passports, as issued under British rule.

**My not very nice thoughts are:-
Were an atom bomb be dropped, devastating the whole area, absolutely nothing would be changed. Jews and Arabs in other parts of the world would just get on with their daily lives, as before.
In fact, I think it would be the other denominations that would feel the loss.

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