Re: Feo: Why is there a saguaro cactus for this story?
Posted by Amaranth Rose on Feb 10, 2004 at 01:51
( Feo: Why is there a saguaro cactus for this story? (Feo Amante)
Ah! I appreciate your kindness. I had found a better link to a much more saguaro-like species, but then I clicked on another link in my greed and it sent the entire internet explorer complex into cyber-limbo, and I was too frustrated (and tired!) to start again, so I posted what I had in my clicker cache and stomped off muttering imprecations about links that crash browsers and the end of the internet.
Sorry about that. I can do better, and I will, after a little more sleep. Hopefully that will cut down on the ill-thought-out cheeky remarks, too.