Re: Ethics
Posted by Pasti on Feb 05, 2004 at 00:03
( Ethics (Kathleen Eykamp)
Appreciate the humour in your "3 reasons for..." posting.
Yep, it makes sense (for me at least) what you say,and what others have implied in one form or another.
Necessarily ethics must develop iteratively,from being to being interaction.The question still remains what are the premises, what are the initial data for the iteration.As much as I have been able to think about it,in a certain sense the initial conditions could be random, so to speak (forgive the terms I use), because there has to or should be a certain feedback from the being to being intraction.
Follow Ups:
- Re: Ethics DA Morgan 10/2 09:21 (0)
- Re: Ethics Kathleen Eykamp 05/2 03:02 (0)