Re: Feo: Nanobes smaller than nano tech
Posted by Uncle Al on Mar 04, 2004 at 15:14
( Feo: Nanobes smaller than nano tech (Feo Amante)
The volume isn't big enough. The dimensions are on the close order of a big protein crystal unit cell. They are blowing smoke and playing grantology. You can't have a car smaller in volume than its wholly contained engine.
Uncle Al
(Do something naughty to physics)
Follow Ups:
- Re: Feo: Nanobes smaller than nano tech Mike Kremer 04/3 18:50 (0)
- Wrong again! HS 04/3 16:03 (2)
- More on Nanobes gifts 05/3 02:13 (1)
- Nanobes at NASA's HS 05/3 02:51 (0)