Re: The Evolution of Disgust
Posted by Kathleen Eykamp on Feb 25, 2004 at 23:15
( The Evolution of Disgust (DA Morgan)
Conception takes place far more frequently than you imply. Women usually only cast one egg except in multiple births, a month. MANY are fertilized, but not viable, the body sluffing them within the first six weeks.
Woman explain away an irregularity in cycle as variance, where it's often a pregnancy. Most conceptions aren't viable.
Follow Ups:
- Re: The Evolution of Saving Sick Foetus's Mike Kremer 26/2 11:52 (16)
- Re: The Evolution of Saving Sick Foetus's Kathleen Eykamp 27/2 00:49 (0)
- Feo: The Evolution of Saving Sick Foetus's Feo Amante 26/2 16:04 (14)
- Re: Feo: The Evolution of Saving Sick Foetus's Kathleen Eykamp 27/2 00:48 (0)
- Re: Feo: The Evolution of Saving Sick Foetus's Mike Kremer 26/2 22:13 (12)
- Re: Feo: The Evolution of Saving Sick Foetus's Kathy 27/2 01:17 (11)
Feo2: The Evolution of Saving Sick Foetus's Feo Amante 27/2 09:43 (10)
- two difficult questions for thought 03/3 22:11 (0)
- saving sick babies anyman 28/2 04:58 (8)
- Re: saving sick babies Kathy 28/2 20:48 (7)
- Re: saving sick babies Amaranth Rose 29/2 09:46 (6)
- Re: saving sick babies KM 06/3 05:21 (5)
- Re: saving sick babies Amaranth Rose 07/3 14:47 (4)
- Re: saving sick babies KM 07/3 18:25 (3)
- Not Physics precisely... Amaranth Rose 07/3 19:15 (2)
- Re: Not Physics precisely... HS 14/3 16:02 (1)
Re: Not Physics precisely... Amaranth Rose 14/3 18:09 (0)