Re: Bringing it to the top with Dan -- Rethinking Dale's position

Posted by bobbapink on Feb 07, 2002 at 09:04 (

Re: Bringing it to the top with Dan -- Rethinking Dale's position (DA Morgan)

Anthropogenic! Where the heck did I get that other word? Shows that Wade was wrong about beer killing only the weaker cells.

You wrote:
"What I don’t propose is that we tank our entire way of life, our freedoms and our liberties, our standard of living"

I absolutely agree. I just don't think the following equation is valid.

"doing something" = "we tank our entire way of life, our freedoms and our liberties, our standard of living"
I wonder why you do.

Because I’ve read the proposals, that’s why I do. Specifically the Kyoto accord, versions old and new. It was not completely ineffective, as some would believe. It did accomplish several objectives – primarily those of transferring wealth and manufacturing productivity to second and third world nations – all under the guise of preventing global warming. So, if they could convince me:

1) Global warming was bad (they have not), and
2) Global warming was happening (they have not), and
3) Anthropogenic CO2 emissions play a significant role in the warming (they have not), and
4) Their policies would actually reduce that role significantly (they have not), and
5) Their policies would be enforced fairly (they don’t even pretend to), and
6) Their policies wouldn’t cause more environmental damage than would the warming (they have not), and
7) Their policies would not cause greater economic damage (livelihood) than would the warming (they most assuredly have not)…

Then, and only then, might I be willing to “do something.” But that something would be something real, as opposed to something that really feels good but accomplishes only harm. So Dan, when you address number 7 and do not address numbers 1 through 6, your argument remains flawed. All seven of these represent an AND function, not an OR function. Any low in begets a low out.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. – John Ray, Saint Bernard or Samuel Johnson.

And my evaluation of the Bobba vs Dale is different …

I have no idea what you were referring to with that paragraph and it didn't seem germane to the argument so I’ll forgo addressing it.

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