Re: Sweeter than Jacky Gleason’s Coffee.?
Posted by bio_ladi on Jan 05, 2002 at 12:29
( Sweeter than Jacky Gleason’s Coffee.? (bobbapink)
Oh yes, much sweeter than Gleasons coffee. *smile*
And you are correct, after I sent the response I realized I had not offered up as planned.
So, we are open for debate, very nice, I get stale when I am not in classes.
You left me with some interesting points to ponder on my way to work. I will need to bone up as normally I find most people are in agreement with me rather than taking the stance you do.Tease me...even better, warning I can give as good as I get. So this should prove to be pretty interesting.
My only regret, my professor didn't tell me about this site long before now!