Extra Dimensions

Posted by
Rod Johnson on Mar 07, 2002 at 07:45

In Search Of Extra Dimensions Feb 22 Article
"Reality is merely an illusion,
An open response to scientist Maria Spiropulu a 32-year-old scientist with the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago. By Rod Johnson 3/4/02
Ref. Delivery at American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting.

Dear, Ms. Spiropulu,
You stated; "The way we think about things is about to change completely. This is truly a revolution in the way we understand our world."

May I gently point out that in special circles, outside of formal scientific institutions, the way we think about dimensional reality has already completely changed.

You say that "We (formal scientists) are very close to a new reality." I say that "some of us have been there for quite some time." My present quest is to understand how to share that understanding with a science caught up in a century of so many unsolved questions on quantum phenomena.

My approach to your subject is based on what I call The Sequential Perspective. Sub Molecular realms are a context of pulses between multi-universes that are bound within axioms of a specific finite geometry and follow the rules of order and chaos. The geometry defines sequences that follow in vector phase circuits between and within universes.

I am publishing three books that so far have unraveled all of the pressing quantum mysteries. And, not the least, a geometric unification of the four natural forces. Experiments are already underway and also I am soon to begin a series of forum presentations on the university level to demonstrate the finite geometry which accomplished by 1986 what you predict to occur by 2005

In that stead, may I offer some guides for your own possible achievements. These guides will be so radically revolutionary that you may dismiss them out of hand. However, if you look into my points you will definitely be further on the way of your quest. My guides will relate to quotes from your delivery as presented in the Feb 22 article.

"Right now, we imagine space and time as a static question, and we solve equations as a function of space and time. But, what we're learning is that, at the very large scale or the very small scale, space and time are dynamic. What is happening at those scales, we cannot explain. So we have to wonder, do these scales hold some extra dimensions?"

You are definitely on the right track there. Those scales do hold extra dimensions. However, they must be understood in contiguous vector field phases rather than particle interactions. The particles we detect are a phased pulse phenomenon and what we think moves through space is but a loci of inter-phase moments between universes. As a strange condition, time as an abstract does not apply to the literal equations involved.
I deeply like your expression "Mathematical gobbledygook usually results from trying to combine quantum mechanics and general relativity." But it may trouble your senses when I say that particles do not get sucked into a black hole. The basic black hole idea better facilitates the concept of EM pulse vortexes of inter-phase between universes.

Thank you for the quick summary on Hyper-dimensional thinking. I leave it intact here for comments that follow.

In an effort to uniformly explain all events, physicist Gunnar Nordstrom (1881-1923) first introduced the notion of an extra dimension at the beginning of the 20th century. Perhaps, he thought, gravity happens in a realm we don't understand and can't mathematically define. Some 10 years later, Theodor Kaluza (1885-1954) and Oskar Klein (1894-1977) took Nordstrom's ideas another step forward: An extra dimension may be curled up like an unimaginably small ball, they said, on the order of the Planck scale-the smallest unit of length in the universe (10 to the minus 33 centimeters).
The idea of an extra dimension was resurrected yet again in the late 1990s, as scientists began to ask whether Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation reliably predicts gravity's behavior below the centimeter scale, Spiropulu explained. Physicists were energized in 1997 by the discovery of possible links between the standard model and "superstring theory"-the notion that a series of extremely tiny, vibrating strings may lurk beneath the level of quarks and leptons.
Researchers Nima Arkani-Hamed, Savas Dimopoulos, and Gia Dvali then caused further excitement, by suggesting that at least one of these tiny dimensions might, in fact, be large enough to measure. Still, no one has produced undeniable proof of superstrings, and many questions persist.

A difficult concept to realize is that "these tiny dimensions" have already been indirectly measured. The way to understand how that can be is to see that each of the infinite finite moments between universes define a dimensional constant. That at this moment level a natural discrepancy exists between universes. The discrepancy can be called a moment of potential as a function of dimensional difference. The difference can be defined by a specific geometry when science thinking embrace the geometry involved.

"Since experiments have shown that Newton's Law is valid down to the 200-micron level. That is, gravity "follows the rules" at that scale. But, the physical reality below this level remains a mystery."
"That is the first mystery that the Sequential Perspective deals with. When selectively detected it is a very low energy within the Planck scale. That incredibly small extra dimension defines a single force/energy potential between universes that sequentially combine within universe as gravity and electromagnetism."
"We're very close into the energies where we can see effects of a very low-energy Planck scale," she said. "If an extra dimension is mirroring the Planck Scale, that means that gravity and the electromagnetic theory is going to be unified tomorrow."

Forgive the inference but gravity and electromagnetism ARE unified today.

To see this unification three concepts must be realized that generally provokes rejection in the minds of classical scientists.
1) X, Y, and Z, coordinate systems are an incorrect abstract in ascertaining the correct nature of natural space.
2) Particle characteristics are also an incorrect abstraction for understanding the quantum mysteries or realizing quantum potential.
3) The secrete lies in inter-phase moment functions of hyper-dimensions. These extra dimensions are finite, and define a pulse of quantum potential between universes. That potential compacts in phased vector fields that manifest pole symmetry in close packed sphere patterns of every crystalline geometrical shape.

I want to encourage your staging high-energy particle collisions. It will eventually allow you to eliminate particles as a motif and then you will discover the existing signature your extra dimensions.

However, when you decide to look, you will find that the classic signature exists in the natural space matrix geometry. That geometry perfectly defines how dimension of two universe are created in electric-magnetic actions between them.

You stated: "We're looking at some really neat, new ideas. We hope by 2005 to have great results on this topic."

I would humbly suggest that you do not have to wait that long if you don't want to.

Rod Johnson

Author of The Sequential Hypothesis and a three volume book The Copernican Syndrome. Volume I, A Vector Phase alternative to Quantum Particles. Volume II, A hyper-Dimensional Mechanics. Volume III, Sips from The Holy Grail of Science.

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