To the Evil Bobbapink -- are spent-thoughts like spent-nuetrinos: where to spent-thoughts go? huh? Belly-up and face it!
Posted by Eudaemonic Pie on Dec 25, 2001 at 15:44 ( look here bobbapink, you've troubled me with guy science here, off and on, long enough, see?
Now, look here. All guy-science bets are off. Including the gorilla shows at Vegas.
My question is simple.
Because I've been advised to do so by one Mr. Berres, from another forum where they claim to love Great Books, I'm cutting and pasting my question from that other forum, here, for you, for your guy-science response (please, not Nietzsche's "Gay Science" - maintain proper decorum, see?), and so, here is my question to you, in good guy-science form, from that other paltry forum:
I asked:
"As far as what's new under the sun? – well Mr. [Name Withheld], you just tell that evil friend of yours, Mr. [Other Name Withheld], that we still don't know where the sun's spent neutrinos go (his beloved Jules Verne didn't settle the spent-neutrinos issue), and just like we don't know where spent neutrinos go (territorial range), so too, we don't' know where the near-spent neutrino named Osama bin Laden has gone (territorial range), now do we? Huh? Don't just sit there, fess up you equally ignorant poly sci history boys, worshiping your dearest lover, the Red Queen! .. (and on I go, ad nauseam)."
Now Mr. Bobbapink, since you too are just as spent as a spent-neutrino yourself, my question to you is – are spent-thoughts like spent-neutrinos? Where do spent-thoughts go? Do we know? Or, was Quine right – inveterate thoughts in science just die off? Or get killed off? Spent-thoughts, like guy-science thoughts, where do spent-thoughts go?
Now, belly up to the bar. And spend yourself. The world is waiting. Do your best guy science.
Spill, I say!
Follow Ups:
- Spent thoughts Amaranth Rose 30/12 16:38 (0)
- To the Saintly Evil Eudaemonic Pie -- Is this where I should reply? bobbapink 25/12 19:50 (0)