few days ago Nasa Confirmed that EMdrive is giving force !

EmDrive Shawyer's Engine
Nasa Confirmed that force exist !!!


Five experts from NASA are not sure WHY and HOW
works Engine ? They measured forces but they can not understand reason !!!


MAROSZ to write below explanation i made test in home.
My test can be repeated in and home or lab ( zero dolars cost)

EMdrive is using basic Si units N/mm^2

evidenc is very simple

light or radio wave = energy [joul]

chamber in engine ( cubic meter ) {m^3 }

joul/m^3 = newton * meter / meter^3 = N/m^2 ( we have pascals )


in 2012 I made important test in home ( Poland )

digital camera -------------bulb >>> 30 km/s

bulb -----------------dig. camera >>> 30 km/s

Camera is registering EM preasure ( Joules / mm^3 )

INVERSE SQUARE LAW ( photography it is very old dyscipline )

More far from place where signal started = lower intensity of signal ( "lower brightness" lower joules/mm^3 )

1R = X , 2R = X/4 , 3R = X/9
X- brightness, R- radius
the same energy portion but different area

Why preasure is different ( +) (-) 30 km/s ?

I'm using the same camera in 100% dark room and exist only one and the same bulb

Camera and Earth and Bulb are moving 30 km/s
Light ( 3D wave ) rise C speed respect to center !!! only respect to center not respect to

mirror ------bulb --------mirror >>> 30 km/s

we have different preasure !!! YES
Sawyer made first line motion detector ( force / >>> motion )

Marosz in 2012 I made first Michelson Morley test ( Joules / mm^3 ) bilance not speed version !!!

we have a compass ( respect to astronomy constant motion we can build GPS )

we have not closed system (Sawyer not made closed engine but energy detector ) Marosz my opinion

we have revolution YES

we can recognize motion and be inside closed rocket ( zero windows only EMdrive chamber we can use inside rocket )

Thank You for support my amatore test ( I hope in short future smile 50 yeras after my die
get Nobel prize for above explanation my test and I hope we can do this with Sawyer both smile peole who love Einstein lost brain abve evidence and two greate test - on my blog I planed and showed more !!! )

to protect day and time when I made test I made Ytube exist person who was in telephone touch with me ( this day when I made test ) !!!


Last edited by newton; 08/09/14 07:20 AM.