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Posted By: socratus Going back to the Einstein’s question. - 04/02/09 05:28 PM
Going back to the Einstein’s question.

In his Miracle 1905 Einstein wrote the Fourth paper:
“ On the Electrodynamics of moving Bodies.” ( SRT).
And as a postscript to his forth, the Fifth paper:
“ Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content?”

As he realized the answer was:
“ Yes, it depends on its energy E= Mc^2.”

It means what SRT must be connected with E= Mc^2 .
It means what must be connection between Lorentz’s
transformation and E= Mc^2.

April 2009.

The same Einstein’s question in a little detail interpretation:
“Does the inertia of a body ( for example: of a light quanta
or of an electron) depend upon its energy content E=Mc^2 ?”

Thinking logically, the answer must be : Yes, it depends.”
When new question arise: ” How is possible to understand the
connection between E=Mc^2 and (for example ) with E= hf. ?”

On my opinion " The Law of Conservation and Transformation
of Energy/ Mass" (according to one single light quanta /electron )
gives answer to this question..

The problem is that now nobody wants to ask yourself that
„The Law of Conservation and Transformation of Energy/ Mass"
means according to one single light quanta / photon /electron.
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Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.
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The common opinion:
The light quanta has mass, but no rest mass as it does not rest.

My opinion:
It is no law. It is physicists’ opinion, it is some kind of
silly ‘Copenhagen’s interpretation’ the laws of Nature.
Light Quanta plays very important role in the Nature.
Why does the Nature need the ‘stupid’ light quanta if it can go
or knows to go only by straight line. Is the Nature so ‘fool’
to create unusual important particle?
Or maybe the interpreter’s fantasies make It and us to be stupid.
Simple question:
Who is guilty that every particle has rest/energy mass,
but only light quanta has not the rest mass/energy E=Mc^2 :
The Nature, God or physicists ?
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Posted By: Zephir Re: Going back to the Einstein’s question. - 04/07/09 08:05 AM
Tho whole trick is, relativity does know nothing about photons. While the speed of light wave should be really invariant, the speed of photons isn't.
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All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me
no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?'
Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it,
but he is mistaken.
(Albert Einstein, 1954)

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If somebody interesting to know a little more about
Light quanta, please, look discussion on the sait:

( 72 messages)
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Posted By: Zephir Re: Going back to the Einstein’s question. - 04/10/09 01:09 AM
AWT stance to rest mass of photons has suprisingly many subtleties, especially at CMB (microwave) scale.
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