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Is the statement, 'Gravity (including time) is the 4th dimension' scientifically tenable? If not, how and why not? If so, how and why so?

Have you got another URL? That one seems to be a dead end unless you're a Delphi subscriber...
I think the current theories put gravity as an effect of the higher dimensions on our 4 dimesional world. I like to think we live in the highest 4 dimensions, and we see the lower dimesions as gravity, electomagnetism, expansion of space, intention, gestalt, etc. because I don't think you can get space-time without the other dimensions being first. See string theory in Wikipedia. ~Sam
Gravity and magnetism are forces, not dimensions.

But wait, this is the "not quite science" board. Gravity might as well be a dimension. Magnetism, though, that's an ego. Try to get that straight.
The ancients recognized that partially refracted concupiscence conveys the essence of the force vectors. This comports well with the modern observation of gravitic attachment theory and the set-theoric quasi-modiacal theorems.

I could continue at length in this vein, but I'm about to wet myself laughing.
Oh my gosh! I've been edited!

Sorry mods. I'll watch my language in the future.
Welcome to the club soilguy. I guess, from one point of view, it is a badge of honor.

It means you are not a pseudo-religious troll offended by rational thinking.

Glad to have you onboard with the badge of honor.
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