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Posted By: MLBSF A question that has perplexed me - 01/11/06 06:18 PM
if it's true that space is curved and black holes can bend light and that light slows down as you approach absolute zero, then my question it possible that a stars distance from us can be either much greater or much smaller than we believe it to be from just viewing it from our solar system? if we view a star as being in a particular place in the universe, isn't it somewhere totally different in reality and the distance it appears to be considerably different?
Posted By: DA Morgan Re: A question that has perplexed me - 01/12/06 12:07 AM
Mostly right. AFAIK there is no relationship between the speed of light and temperature.

Your question with respect to the measurement of distance might be best answered by saying that while it is "possible" there is not evidence to support it.
Posted By: MLBSF Re: A question that has perplexed me - 01/12/06 05:37 PM
about a year ago there was a study in which a scientist proved that light did slow down as temperatures approached absolute zero. doesn't that mean that many or most stars are closer than their light makes them appear to be?
Posted By: esin Re: A question that has perplexed me - 01/12/06 06:29 PM

"and that light slows down as you approach absolute zero"

Its all about the medium, not the temp~
Posted By: DA Morgan Re: A question that has perplexed me - 01/12/06 06:31 PM
MLBSF ... I think you misunderstood what you read.
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