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Posted By: ANILTAMANG The television - 07/29/13 03:42 PM
Television is a modern means of entertainment and communications. It was invented by John Logie Baird in 1926. It is one of the miraculous inventions of science and technology. It flashes visual images along with sounds at a distance by electromagnetic waves. Visual images are seen on the screen. Nowadays the television is widely used all over the world.
This recent and famous invention has many uses and advantages. It provides us news, views and entertainment. We can learn many things through the television. SO it is one of the means of getting education. While we are listening to the news, we can see the pictures and scenes on the screen. We can learn and enjoy them sitting in our rooms. The pictures of national and international programmes, events, games, etc. can be seen on the screen. The scenes of natural beauties and gifts, natural disasters, wars, etc. can be brought into our rooms by means of the television.
The television is the most popular means of entertainment. we can enjoy songs, music, culture programmes, dances, dramas, poems, etc. on it. Nowadays we can enjoy any programmes organized anywhere. We can learn many things about health, science and technology, geography, history, etc. through it. Similarly, we can broadcast the advertisements of goods, services and jobs on the television. Furthermore, the notice of government offices and other organizations can be broadcast on the television.
In order to have advantages of the T.V., we must be selective. All the programmes are not usedful. we have watch only useful programmes. The programmes which have adverse effects must not be watched. Adults should select the good ones for the small children. We should not watch the T.V. for a long time. It is wise to watch the T>V. programmes properly.
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