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Cometary motion and absurdities of modern physics

As far the material about electromagnetic waves and photons is not finished, I want to unearth an old field of astronomy, more precisely cometary motion. Mainstream science accept as valid a classical theory of gravitation, completed later with a sophisticated mathematical one, more precisely general relativity. The later is able to explain some small deficiencies for the former one, like Mercury perihelion advance.
For actual astronomers cometary motion is already a closed field and it seems all is clear and shining. But if someone is looking in old books of astronomy and thinks a little bit of what was already written, I am sure he/she will change his mind.
About two centuries in the past, some astronomers measured the acceleration of gaseous nodosities in cometary tail and they concluded these accelerations are a multiple of 22,4. For some comets, these measurements were done before someone knew the significance of this number; more precisely represents the volume of a mol of gas.
As far no theory was ever able to explain this correlation between gas acceleration and molar volume, modern reference astronomy books have been avoided to remind the subject, at least.
Around 1993, I finished a new theory of gravitation able to describe the movement celestial bodies inside Solar system and, of course, there is a special attention granted to cometary motion.
At this link (in English, because was posted in 2007!) there are some comets cases and an explanation for this phenomenon.
The accepted explanation for the cometary motion can be disproved by simple facts known due to the manmade Earth satellite movements. So, in case of comets it is possible to have a fragmentation of comet in few parts, every part having mass of ktones or even greater, and solar wind is able to push differently these fragments and finally they are entering on different orbits around Sun. In opposition, for manmade satellite, the same solar wind is not able to change their orbits in a radical way even their masses is on the order of few hundreds kilograms and not thousands of tons. Of course, manmade satellites orbits are suffering small corrections from time to time due to the friction with upper atmosphere or even interaction with solar wind.
Further, looking a little bit into detail, no consistent explanation was offered for the formation of anomalous tails of comets directed toward Sun. After some theories, these are only an optical effect due to the observer position.
No credible explanation was ever formulated by mainstream science for the wideness of meteoric currents.
No relativistic theory ever dared to adventure to describe such motions. Maybe now with some tensorial formula or with some relativistic acrobatics theoreticians will try to fix this problem?
In the new working book related to Astronomy and astrophysics the subject will be treated with more practical approach.

Best regards,
Sorin Cosofret
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