"Proof that there is no God and there was no Creation"

What would be needed to make that statement true ?

From a Bible perspective:
"God" first appears in Genesis 1:1.
It is this God to which I refer.

It is said that this God 'created' the earth and all the animals in seven days, as documented in Genesis Chapter One - commonly called the 'Creation Theory'.

Thus from a religious circular thinking perspective, the first chapter of the first book of the Bible confirms that 'God created the earth in 7 days'.

Atheists on the other hand reject this.

So let us make an equal playing field upon which to make a final conclusion.

Let us apply the scientific method of evaluation to this, and call the 'Creation Theory' a scientific theory.

In doing so, Religious people now HAVE to produce the evidence to prove their claim.

IF no evidence is tended, it will be relegated back to being just a hypothesis - a guess of wishful thinking (which they call Faith).

IF evidence is presented that the 'God' in Genesis 1:1 refers to something real and not divine, and the 'creation' account can be shown to be about something else real and not divinely produced, then this would prove 'The Creation Theory' FALSE.

Possible Result and conclusion:
1.) Evidence produced - There is a God and the Creation did occur.
2.) Contrary evidence produced - There is (was) no GOD, and there was no CREATION of the earth in 7 days (as perceived by religious people from their interpretation of the Bible).

What do think of this challenge to produce actual evidence ?