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Anti Trump Riots held in 7 cities ... possibly 1/2 of the major population cities of the 14 or so cities that voted for Hillary , Im just glad that there wasnt more cities that voted for her.
all in all at the end of the day President Trump will still be the President that the majority of voters voted for in the Presidential Election.
the rioters look mostly like college students and Hillary was going to forgive their education cost if elected.
and that is enough to anger someone looking at repaying a lifetime of tuition and living expense cost that builds up while gaining an education.
that may not be the only reason why these rioters are rioting but it is a large reason from a future financial viewpoint.
to me the Democrats are showing the rest of the world that our Free Democratic Elections dont mean spit to the Democratic Party in the United States.
without our Free Democratic Elections we would end up with something like the E.U. where no one is elected and only appointments to office take place.
thats not for me and that is precisely the position that the Globalist are trying to impose on the United States.
1) its a done deal. 2) get over it. 3) these riots are exactly what the Globalist want.
and they care as much about you as they care about all the people in the other countries that they tear down and destroy for their own selfish needs and desires.