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Orac #55323 02/02/16 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted By: Orac
Really I know

You don't know Jack, You are a nasty, igonorant malcontent. I done told you where to deal with me if you want to go politics...


This is a site of science. If you have a beef with me on the universe or the moving and stacking of heavy stuff make your case.

This is not the site to advance your communist manifesto.

I do equally well in good old USA, China, Russia or any other political system.

Talk is cheap. You can't talk your way outta wet paper sack.

You are so lucky I obey the rules here.

Move along, junior!

And really, learn how to quote, I'm tired of trying to repair your posts.

Last edited by Marchimedes; 02/02/16 10:24 AM.

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?
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LOL if I disagree with you I am nasty, a troll or a malcontent ... sorry I don't agree with your view it's not a crime. I have done nothing to attack you personally, I just can't follow your logic.

You present ideas of how the Pyramids were built with no evidence and that is fine with you. If I suggest that the people may have been treated a certain way with no evidence then it is a strawman argument. I have asked a number of times can we treat all ideas consistently please.

All I am doing is forcing you to face the reverse of your argument and hence you must prove it. It is what all good scientists do, because the easiest person to fool is yourself. It isn't me you are getting upset at it's science process which forces you to consider the reverse argument. If your idea was sound you wouldn't be getting upset you would be producing evidence. So I made my case and you don't like it.

I was struggling to work out, if you are genuinely trying to to discuss ideas or just trying to preach some crazy unfounded idea at us.

If you don't want me to discuss your ideas that is fine, don't pretend you want to discuss it. I don't care enough about this deadbeat civilization (my bias I know), one way or another, but then don't direct responses and post titles at me. I generally answer any and all questions, even uncomfortable ones, which I am sure many on here will testify too.

I am an atheist for both religion and politics, they are both jokes which groups of people try to palm off as necessary. I am about as likely to go to a political forum as a religious one.

I am not sure why you think I care about some vodka swilling riff raff, any more than I care what the good old USA does or doesn't do ... but hey this discussion doesn't seem to have any logic. Suddenly I am a commie, ignoring the fact I would most likely be killed by them given half a chance.

Now apparently I can't talk and I am lucky you obey some rules, so we are all clear on that so I guess we will be moving right along.

As for quoting errors let me paraphrasing your response to me, "why do I care".

We do allow non science discussion on the forum now, so you have the floor and I will happily ignore you.

No let the sermon continue .... I promise I won't comment anymore unless you directly ask something to me.

Last edited by Orac; 02/02/16 12:59 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.
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Did you make a joke there in the Re: window?

Originally Posted By: Orac
LOL if I disagree with you I am nasty, a troll or a malcontent ... sorry I don't agree with your view it's not a crime. I have done nothing to attack you personally, I just can't follow your logic.

You're the one that started in with the proletariet stuff.

You present ideas of how the Pyramids were built with no evidence and that is fine with you.

There is hardly evidence as to how the pyramids could have built. Many of my ideas use this lack of evidence, wait for it, as evidence.

If I suggest that the people may have been treated a certain way with no evidence

And there ya go.

All I am doing is forcing you to face the reverse of your argument and hence you must prove it.
How many friggin times to I have to say that this is not necessarily how it was done. This is The WAY I Would Do It (twiwdi)

It is what all good scientists do, because the easiest person to fool is yourself.

I've moved too many safes and vault doors to have to proove anything to myself.

It isn't me you are getting upset at

It was your politics and all men have always been oppressed that gets me upset.

I was struggling to work out, if you are genuinely trying to to discuss ideas or just trying to preach some crazy unfounded idea at us.[quote]

Struggle away.

[quote]I am an atheist for both religion and politics, they are both jokes which groups of people try to palm off as necessary.

There ya go again.
I am about as likely to go to a political forum as a religious one.

I am not sure why you think I care about some vodka swilling riff raff, any more than I care what the good old USA does or doesn't do ...[/quote}

You certainly had plenty to say about America yesterday.

[quote]I promise I won't comment anymore unless you directly ask something to me.

Sure, just how much did you pay for a muffler?

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?
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Not sure if you want me to answer that or not it's semi directed??????

Lets just pick up the relevant thing

Originally Posted By: mach
This is The WAY I Would Do It (twiwdi)

That isn't Science it's something for a handyman man forum and I am not being nasty but that is what it is.

Google: "handiman forum how to lift a large rock" will get you lots of like minded people to discuss it with. There is also a guy called Wally Wallington who plays around lifting stonehenge like pillars by himself and he has a discussion forum (http://www.theforgottentechnology.com). He has played with Egyptian hoists so someone to bounce things off. So there are a couple of options who would probably love to discuss your ideas.

I only do science so please don't even reference stuff to me and I will leave you to it.

Last edited by Orac; 02/02/16 06:20 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.
Orac #55327 02/02/16 06:58 PM
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Originally Posted By: Orac
There is also a guy called Wally Wallington who plays around lifting stonehenge like pillars by himself and he has a discussion forum (http://www.theforgottentechnology.com). He has played with Egyptian hoists so someone to bounce things off.

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
Wally Wallington has some game... The only one I would trust holding the end of a lever would be Wally.

you don't do the reading. I say you are just here to rattle my cage.

I've talked to Wally, he says my ideas would work. Says they are different than his, but they work.

Any more smart azz comments?

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?
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That isn't Science it's something for a handyman man forum

funny how most of the so called scientist ideas form and are
discovered in handyman forums as the scientist don't
seem to have enough head on their shoulders and are so
afraid of trying anything new due to peer pressure so they
troll around looking for their next idea.

without the tinkerer and handyman types those who have the
skill and curiosity to discover new things the so called scientist types would never discover anything at all.

so this is the right place to discuss it , because the
trolls of science searching for new things to lay claim on don't hang around in these boring science forums.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.
paul #55329 02/02/16 08:23 PM
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That isn't Science it's something for a handyman man forum

Originally Posted By: paul
funny how most of the so called scientist ideas form and are
discovered in handyman forums as the scientist don't
seem to have enough head on their shoulders and are so
afraid of trying anything new due to peer pressure so they
troll around looking for their next idea.

without the tinkerer and handyman types those who have the
skill and curiosity to discover new things the so called scientist types would never discover anything at all.

so this is the right place to discuss it , because the
trolls of science searching for new things to lay claim on don't hang around in these boring science forums.

I been using this one for years...

You know how logs are knotched at the ends to the middle of the logs fit snuggly?

Who do you think first thought of that? A guy in the woods with an axe with winter coming on or a tweed jacket wearing Oxford professor?

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?
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Originally Posted By: paul
so this is the right place to discuss it , because the trolls of science searching for new things to lay claim on don't hang around in these boring science forums.

That is your view and you are entitled to it.

To make this understandable to you, you are a member of a religion and you can't change the rules how that religion works can you? If you want to change the rules then you have to form you own religion.

Scientific rigour isn't decided by me your or anyone else on this backwater science forum or any science forum, and we can't change it.

Feel free to make your own version of science but posting on here complaining about how science should change this or that is a waste of time and effort. You have been doing it for how many years here now, and no-one in science cares.

Do you think the Pope cares if you post about how the rules of the Roman Catholic church should change? Same problem, You or I don't have the capacity to change the rules.

What gets tiresome is layman who can't even bother to learn the rules of science complaining and getting agro about those rules being applied to their discussions. It's a science forum we are supposed to apply the rules of science and that should not cause agro as it's outside our control.

Rose my dear, can I offer a suggestion why don't we have a section on the site called "Science and or it's rules are wrong/bad and I would like to discuss my topic under how science should work which is better". Sort of a nice positive neutral tone. To be honest I don't mind if you make a section called "Evil, Bad ungodly fantasy science" where we have discussions with science norms, so at least I know what standards we are using. Would seem to stop a certain amount of agro on the site by keeping the two groups apart. At the moment it's confusing when people want to discuss things using actual science or use something else.

Last edited by Orac; 02/03/16 04:14 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.
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For the record scientists don't build houses. We leave that to Engineers, Builders and some woodsman to do. You probably need to find a more relevant example to attack us evil no good for nothing scum with. We are far to busy playing with the fun stuff like nukes in our tweed suits to get our hands dirty. Besides what would the Engineers do if we solved building problems.

I can't even master setting up a good beer keg and you really want me to build your house? I serve a pretty mean foam in a cup.

Scientists didn't build the first boat (Noah - farmer), car (Ford - machinist), train (Watt - Engineer) or plane (Wright bothers - Machinists) either along with long lists of other things. So as inventors of all the important things in life us poor scientists are hopeless, I have no idea why people keep us around. Machemedes is into politics it's probably a question for his forum. Paul phone your political representative and get on this, demand they pull all science funding and give it to the woodsman.

Again discussion not relevant to science but I readily agree you are correct, the wood cabin join would never have been discovered by any scientist.

It is also highly likely no scientist will work out how the pyramids were built mainly because of the way the discipline works. We will leave that honor to Engineers, Builders, Woodsman, Archaeologists or Machemedes and there is nothing wrong with that. I have already accepted I can't setup a keg, and trust me that is far worse to me.

Last edited by Orac; 02/03/16 07:46 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.
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For the record scientists don't build houses. We leave that to Engineers, Builders and some woodsman to do. You probably need to find a more relevant example to attack us evil no good for nothing scum with.

it took a while to find something that you guys had done
mostly because I was trying to think of something good for
humanity , that's when I decided that I was looking in the wrong direction... and then this came in to mind
as soon as I changed my search or thought pattern.

your right you evil no good for nothing scum never do
build anything , but you sure are good at destroying things.

hows that for relativity , scum.

I can't even master setting up a good beer keg and you really want me to build your house? I serve a pretty mean foam in a cup.

which is exactly why I don't think you guys should be allowed
to play with toys such as the LHC that engineers and construction workers designed and built for you so that you
could accomplish squat after squat after squat.

you are waaaaaaaaaay to prone to be brain dead from all the
alcohol and drugs you consume not to mention the fantasy existence that you reside in and believe in as if it
is were reality.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.
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a section on the site called "Science and or it's rules are wrong/bad and I would like to discuss my topic under how science should work which is better". Sort of a nice positive neutral tone.

I think that there should be 2 separate forums that describe
the contents of each forum.

1) Actual Science : where fantasy is not allowed.
where all post must be accompanied by links to evidence
of a actual physical occurrence or event or property.
where the math is not designed to fulfill some theory or
support a theory but to check the theory for correctness
using math elements that mirror actual physical elements
not fantasy or imagined math elements.

2) Fake Science : not actual science but more of
a game where fantasy is not only allowed but encouraged.
and the dungeon masters create all the rules to the game
as the game is played and as deemed necessary to support
the previous rules and the popularity of the game using
rigged rules and loaded dice.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.
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Originally Posted By: Orac

Rose my dear, can I offer a suggestion why don't we have a section on the site called "Science and or it's rules are wrong/bad and I would like to discuss my topic under how science should work which is better".

Ms. Rose II, my dear. I would like to make a counter offer.

How a bout we start a sub forum? Some possible titles:

1, Marchimedes and what he thinks.
The Deuce. Marchimedes, handyman extrodinaire.
Carps. THe Marchimedes show.
IV. Marchimedes, scinetist of redneck engineer?

Ms. Rose II, I have buku outside of the box ideas, I haven't even scratched the surface here, I have posted 189 times and so far have 547,226 views. Imgine what I could get with several thousand posts?

Of course I'm being sarcastic here but see what I mean?

So, Orac, you really gonna sit there in your Mother's basement typing with one hand and say there is zero science in this thread? Go google the physics of the lever, for starters.

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?
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Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
So, Orac, you really gonna sit there in your Mother's basement typing with one hand and say there is zero science in this thread? Go google the physics of the lever, for starters.

Scientists only deal with the discovery they don't deal with the application that is what an ENGINEER does. That is why a scientist would never have invented a boat,plane,train or car.

Originally Posted By: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineer
An engineer is a practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics, and ingenuity to develop solutions for technical, societal and commercial problems.

So on a science forum you are generally dealing with trying to understand things or challenge science. On an engineering forum you would be generally dealing with how to implement.

Handyman I guess we best describe as layman engineers, they are trying to implement things without a formal qualification but using lots of experience. I believe that describes you.

So depending on what you are asking about a lever problem it would depend which forum is best for it. If you are asking what is the best way to use levers etc then it's an engineering forum a scientist can't help you. If you were trying to challenge or understand how a lever works, you would go to a science forum.

So I don't believe you are challenging or need me to explain how a lever works, you know all that. So there isn't much I or any other scientist is going to be able to help you with. What you seem to be asking is whats the best way to implement things and that is an engineering question. An engineer can help you and will be interested and scientist will go who cares and walk away.

It isn't about whether there is science in a lever, more is the question being asked science or engineering?

I am not saying what you are asking is wrong or bad, I think you are on the wrong forum. That is I am actually trying to help you, but getting insulted in the process. My thinking is you want an engineer not a scientist. You curveballed me at the start because you seemed interested in the history and archaeology but you since refined what you want to your TWIWDI theory.

On an engineering forum they will discuss levers in ways that we never would on a science forum and I think that is what you seem to be after. Sort of confirmed by your having discussions with Wally Wallington.

Machemdedes, for all Paul's interest in this subject his contribution to whatever you seem to be after appears to be about zero. About all he seems to be contributing lately is smartazz comments which noone even bothers with or complaining science is evil/bad because it killed my god, sob sob. On most things you two are completely at odds, the Egyptians have wheel, rope, lasers ... I lost track. I don't see that anyone here seems to be helping your discussion and I certainly have lost interest in it now I understand what you want to discuss. Bill G knows better and has run away.

So lets make this real simple, why do you want a Scientist to discuss this not an Engineer?
The extension question to that is, on this forum how can we help you?

Last edited by Orac; 02/04/16 08:57 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.
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An engineer is a practitioner of engineering, concerned with applying scientific knowledge,

Scientists only deal with the discovery they don't deal with the application that is what an ENGINEER doe

it appears to me that Marchimedes is dealing with the
discovery of how the pyramids were constructed and I doubt
that he will be building a pyramid ... so he wont be
applying his discoveries just trying to discover how the
pyramids were constructed.

you on the other hand offer him the common everyday
grade school lip service that you were taught as a child
and still are.

I understand both science and engineering so I can understand
why you are having troubles comprehending how work is applied
in construction techniques that you don't understand and probably never will.

were not trying to get you orac , you do that yourself on
a daily basis ... anyone who reads this forum fully understands
that you are a repeater of discoveries not a discoverer.

and I fully understand that because of your social contacts
you cannot stray from what you have been taught until consensus
deems that a change is necessary.

so even though I do call you dummer than dirt a lot
its mostly to get your goat or pull your chain.

to me its really dumb to settle for things I am told to be
the truth when I know that those things are false or could
be done in other more feasible or economical ways to produce the same result.

and the reason why scientist never did really accomplish
anything is because they adhere to the things they were
taught without questioning those things or doing what
marchimedes or myself do.

so todays scientist are stuck in the predominant fantasy realms of modern science , they cannot discover new things anymore due to their adherence in fantasy .

personally Im glad that we did have scientist in the past
that were not afraid of the social disconnect that is the
result of doing things differently from the way they were taught or we would still be in the dark ages or living in
caves if all of histories inventors and discoverers were like modern day scientist are today.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.
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Originally Posted By: Orac

So on a science forum you are generally dealing with trying to understand things

And here we are in a General Science Discussion Forum.


or challenge science.

I seem to be doing some of that now, just wait.

Handyman I guess we best describe as layman engineers, they are trying to implement things without a formal qualification but using lots of experience. I believe that describes you.

Quite well.

So lets make this real simple, why do you want a Scientist to discuss this not an Engineer?
The extension question to that is, on this forum how can we help you?

Are archeologistest scientists or engineers?

I really don't care. All I'm looking for if for my theory to be checked. I think I'm more betterer served by being checked by scientists AND engineers.

So just what is your problem? YOu don't like whiich forum I cose to put this thread in? As this thread has been in this forum cents 2007 you are a tad late with your complaint. You do understand there is more in this thread than pryamids, right?

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?
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Originally Posted By: paul
it appears to me that Marchimedes is dealing with the discovery of how the pyramids were constructed and I doubt
that he will be building a pyramid ... so he wont be
applying his discoveries just trying to discover how the
pyramids were constructed.

Well said. I done moved enough heavy stuff in my day, I don't need to proove to myself that which I've already prooved.

were not trying to get you orac

No, we are not, trying that is. We don't have to try on this.

It's not like there is a lack of theory here...

I think I had it pegged the first time, Orac...

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes

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Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
Are archeologistest scientists or engineers?

They are neither they are there own discipline. It is a study of history and yes they use bits of science as well.

So lots of disciplines use science (its in almost everything) and depending on what you are asking different forums are more or less appropriate.

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
I really don't care. All I'm looking for if for my theory to be checked. I think I'm more betterer served by being checked by scientists AND engineers.

Go way back to the top, I told you your theory works from a science perspective. However there is no evidence the Egyptians did that and I suspect there is a subtle reason.

We never got to discuss what I see as the historical problem, the insults were flying by then. So let me give you what I see as an issue.

If they had been using water in intestines they would have quickly seen air pockets and they would have work out very quickly what we now call a spirit level or a bubble level. That we know the inventor of as it's a written record and the invention dates to exactly 1661.

My problem I see to your idea is the glaring and huge time gap before the appearance of the spirit level. It stands at a 4000+ years if they were playing with water in tubes in 2630BC.

If an archeologist came to me with that story I would expect he would have to have proof because it seems a bit far fetched.

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
So just what is your problem? YOu don't like whiich forum I cose to put this thread in?

My problem was two fold, it wasn't exactly clear to me what you were asking. Secondly when I tried to work thru it you were inconsistent with things.

If you wanted a critique I gave you one .... the idea is sound but I suspect unlikely to have been used by the Egyptians.

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
As this thread has been in this forum cents 2007 you are a tad late with your complaint. You do understand there is more in this thread than pryamids, right?

Yes there is more and I am not asking you to stop posting for that very reason. All I am saying is current question you are asking at the moment is a bit out of the scope of the forum.

Ask a different question and we can probably help, I can't do much with that one.

Apparently I am still a malcontent, so I am over bothering with this trash. Since this is Paul's favourite civilization and he is your best friend now, why don't you stop talking to me and get him to give you answers. That should be really interesting watching him get beyond the science is evil/bad and ate my god spam he puts out smile

Guaranteed to get at least 2 or 3 more spams from that .. watch laugh

Last edited by Orac; 02/04/16 08:23 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.
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3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.
Orac #55361 02/05/16 12:26 AM
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The Way I Would Do It.


That's what I call my pryamid construction theory. You do me see me say this is how it was done.

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
Are archeologistest scientists or engineers?

Originally Posted By: Orac
They are neither they are there own discipline. It is a study of history and yes they use bits of science as well.

So lots of disciplines use science (its in almost everything)

And here we are in a forum of General Science.

and depending on what you are asking different forums are more or less appropriate.

Done told you, I don't care you if think I have this or that in a more or less appropriate forum. I'm puttting all my science/engineering/handyman eggs in one basket. Easier for me to keep up with and according to the numbers I'm doing just fine.

Is this your entire beef? That I ain't putting my ideas where YOU think I should put them.

Lemme tell ya sumpin, pal, I'm an a American, I have freedom of speech which may or may not be a concept you are familiar with. It's called the 1st Amendment. Got a probelm with that? Check the 2nd Amendment. THose two go hand in hand.

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
I really don't care. All I'm looking for if for my theory to be checked. I think I'm more betterer served by being checked by scientists AND engineers.

Go way back to the top, I told you your theory works from a science perspective.

Why thnk you, how kind of you to say.

See? Now we gettin somewhere.

However there is no evidence the Egyptians did that and I suspect there is a subtle reason.

We never got to discuss what I see as the historical problem, the insults were flying by then.

Have we just met? It's part of my schtick.

So let me give you what I see as an issue.

If they had been using water in intestines they would have quickly seen air pockets

So you scientists can't get air bubbles out of water levels. We handymen can.

and they would have work out very quickly what we now call a spirit level or a bubble level.

What materials would they have made such a thing out off and like you said to me, were is the evidence of this?

That we know the inventor of as it's a written record and the invention dates to exactly 1661.

That's abot 4,000 years too late.

My problem I see to your idea is the glaring and huge time gap before the appearance of the spirit level. It stands at a 4000+ years if they were playing with water in tubes in 2630BC.

So you don't know what a water level is. Turns out I have an image...


If an archeologist came to me with that story I would expect he would have to have proof because it seems a bit far fetched.

A water level made from intestines is far fetched. Rogar that.

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
So just what is your problem? YOu don't like whiich forum I cose to put this thread in?

Secondly when I tried to work thru it you were inconsistent with things.

So let's hear it.

If you wanted a critique I gave you one .... the idea is sound but I suspect unlikely to have been used by the Egyptians.

One of the reasons we know so little as to how the pryamids were built is that there remains so little evidence. So why is it unlikely?

Originally Posted By: Marchimedes
As this thread has been in this forum cents 2007 you are a tad late with your complaint. You do understand there is more in this thread than pryamids, right?

Yes there is more and I am not asking you to stop posting for that very reason.

See? We are getting along spledidly.

All I am saying is current question you are asking at the moment is a bit out of the scope of the forum.


Ask a different question and we can probably help

Seen anything I've said that wouldn't work?

Seen anything that would work more betterer?

Apparently I am still a malcontent,

Get over where I post stuff and I'll take it back.

so I am over bothering with this trash.


Since this is Paul's favourite civilization and he is your best friend now, why don't you stop talking to me and get him to give you answers. That should be really interesting watching him get beyond the science is evil/bad and ate my god spam he puts out smile


Guaranteed to get at least 2 or 3 more spams from that .. watch laugh

Drama, don't start none, won't be none.

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?
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I did not pen that thread, Josh did and should receive due credit.

Check under the "General Discussion" window to see what I'm seeing.

Maybe that will go away when I hit "submit" to this post. Then I'll be a hero. Maybe.

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?
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