Murray missed the boat. More and more it appears that, given the opportunity Asians out perform other races!
Part of the problem comes from the way IQ tests work. They require instruction and learning, and this introduces bias. People brought up in a subsistence farming community in a third world country will not understand many of the concepts examined in an IQ test. Testing raw intelligence is a very difficult thing. A child surrounded by jungle will grow up with all the skills required for his/ her future within their community and they may indeed be future leaders or wise elders. However they may also be unable to visualise amounts greater than two, instead saying "many".
We test for the skills we admire and find useful, and are very scornful of deviation-- in fact we are getting worse in this area as the computer marks more of our tests and we acquire the skills to collate knowledge and forget the pleasure in using our abilities to explore knowledge for its own sake.
I don't think that children should be forced past their natural ability, but I do think they ought to go as far as they can. Most research has, sadly, shown that most of us have inherited our intelligence at birth, and it may well be we cannot expand as far as we would like. If a child is to be smart, providing the means for him/her to explore the world in reality, in books, in computers, and activities will help. But it should be done without coercion or disappointment when the child proves to be, like most of us, not as bright as all that!
Last edited by Ellis; 11/20/14 05:01 AM.