Joul/meter^3 = Newton *m / m^3 = Newton / m^2 (Pascal)

Czerenkow's radiation

Marosz ( me my own discovery )

star ------ <--- m


star ------ m ---->

Mass m is moving respect to Light in vacuum
we can observe different radiation if mass m surface has got different shape back and front ( EM preasure work on mass M surface. If mass m shape is is different (front/rear ) we can observe and register diferent AERODINAMIC effect )

WE CAN USE EM PREASURE and we can fly !!
we only need measure where in universe we have lower and higher EM preasure ( we need map

In universe we have many stars (many sorces EM waves - radio , gravitation ... ) they joust giving EM wave to space . Body that is moving in universe we can trick like torpeda underwater or car in AREODYNAMIC tunel

If mass M is moving motion is natural reason that light near mass will change direction !!! Gravitation is not only one reason why light is turning near big mass in universe

Consequense for physics
C speed is not constant for all bodies in universe !!!


Thank You for suport my ART in web

Last edited by newton; 08/28/14 03:53 PM.