people in NASA are not sure what they are testing
WHy ? and How it works.

MAROSZ ( Eureka !! Bingo !! )

Nasa and Quatum Engine confirm my observation about motion
1. They Have right it is not closed system
2. They not have righ it is not relativistic engine !!!

MIRROR1----L---Bulb ----L--MIRROR 2

Mirror 1 and Mirror 2 feel different electromagetic preasure

YES but why ? distance L is the same !!!

But Why ?

If Mirror1 and Mirror2 are moving !!!

MIRROR1----Bulb ----MIRROR 2 >>> 30 km/s

The Bulb ( source ) started EM wave in point P1
EM wave rise C speed respect to point P1 !!!

one sec later ...

......30km.......MIRROR1----Bulb ----MIRROR 2 >>> 30 km/s

Exist very old law ( Inverse Square Law - Signal Intensity is going down if distance is rise )

INVERSE SQUARE LAW ( Joules / mm^2 )

More far from place where signal started = lower intensity of signal

( "lower brightness" lower Joules/mm^2 )

1R = X , 2R = X/4 , 3R = X/9

X- brightness, R- radius

the same energy portion but different area

Inside oryginal engine Mr Shawyera is using
more strange mirror shape !!! But it is OPEN SYSTEM he detected absolute Earth motion in space !!!

first test I made in 2012

Discovery : brightness of pictures West and East are not the same

Reason ? Eart's Velocity 30 km/s = 30 000 000 mm/s
(NIKON 5000d remote start, zero outsite light ,stative, manual set ,
time 10s , F 8 , Iso 200 - /10 cm to bulb / filtre is important !!!)

Please measure force that works
on camera + 30 km/s and - 30 km/s direction

we will have different force ( different intensity EM signal )

Maciej Marosz ( I wait for Nobel Prize I made in home Michelson Morley ( Intensity Edition ) and we have COMPASS !!!)

Astronom A and B will not register the same EM preasure
( intensity of the signal !!! ) exist motion respect to point where wave started in space !!!

first test inside AIR


first pictures

( brightness - photoshop 10 histogram) west ( -30km/s ) and East (+30 km/s )


My private blog

Last edited by newton; 08/07/14 05:28 AM.