The book Quantum Ring Theory was published in 2006 by the Bauu Institute Press:

In Quantum Ring Theory it is proposed that the space is filled by the aether, which structure is composed by a particle and an antiparticle.

The photon proposed in QRT is formed by the agglutination of both them, and they move with a helical trajectory (zitterbewegung).

So, the particle and antiparticle are a fermion and an antifermion.

In the paper A Model of the Photon , which starts in the page 20 of the book, it is shown that from the structure of the photon composed by a particle and its antiparticle we get the Maxwell equations.

According to this theory, the size of a photon depends on the quantity of fermions and anti fermions agglutinated in its body.

A new experiment published by the journal Nature is corroborating such hypothesis:
Light created from vacuum shows empty space a myth

As consequence of the experiment published in the journal Nature in 2011, The European Physical Journal D had published in 2013 a theory so that to justify the creation of light from the space:
The quantum vacuum as the origin of the speed of light

In the item 3 of the article (The vacuum permeability), the authors say:

"We propose a physical mechanism to produce the vacuum permeability from the elementary magnetism of the charged fermion pairs under a magnetic stress. Each charged efemeral fermion carries a magnetic moment proportional to the Bohr magneton.
We assume the orbital moment and the spin of the pair to be zero. Since the fermion and the anti fermion have opposite electric charges, the pair carries twice the magnetic moment of one fermion

The structure proposed in The European Physical Journal D in 2013 is the same structure proposed in the book Quantum Ring Theory, published in 2006.

The photon formed by a lot of particles and antiparticles (fermions and anti fermions) moves in the soup formed by the elementary fermions and anti fermions, a soup named aether.

The entire sctructure of the ether proposed in Quantum Ring theory is proposed in the paper Ether, which starts in the page 164 of the book.

It is proposed a structure of the ether formed by electric particles e(+) and antiparticles e(-), magnetic particles m(+) and antiparticles m(-), gravity particles g(+) and antiparticles g(-), anti-gravity particles G(+) and antiparticles G(-), and permeability particles p(+) and antiparticles p(-).

The book shows that from such structure of the ether it is explained the formation of the electric fields of the proton and electron, the magnetic fields produced by loadstones, etc.

The Editor of the EPJ was warned of the plagiarism:
Subject: Plagiarism in European Physical Journal
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 14:09:42 -0300

Prof. Ulf Meissner
Editor in Chief
European Physical Journal

Dear Editor,
The European Journal of Physics had published in March 2013 the article The quantum vacuum as the origin of the speed of light , in which is proposed that the space is filled by particles and antiparticles. Such proposal is a plagiarism, because it had been proposed in the article entitled ETHER, published in 2006 in my book Quantum Ring Theory.

But there is a difference between the proposal published now by EPJ in 2013 and my proposal published in 2006, as follows:

a) The authors of the paper published by EPJ had proposed that the space is filled by particles and antiparticles because the new experimental findings published in 2012 require an reevaluation of the concept of space, and so the authors of the paper had proposed it as an ad hoc hypothesis, so that to explain the results of the experiment.

b) Unlike, my proposal in 2006 had been conceived so that to eliminate some inconsistency in the foundations of current Theoretical Physics. So, my theoretical proposal in 2006 actually had represented a prediction to be confirmed by future experimental findings.

In 2012 the journal NATURE had published the article How atomic nuclei cluster, in which there is a plagiarism of a proposal of mine published in 2006 in my book Quantum Ring Theory. Now a new plagiarism is published by European Physical Journal.

The plagiarisms on my ideas have started to occur in reputable journals of Physics (and other plagiarisms will continue to be published) because the new experimental findings are requiring a reevaluation of some current wrong concepts in Theoretical Physics, in order to replace by the wrong concepts by new ones. Since the wrong current concepts had been rejected in my Quantum Ring Theory (and replaced in my theory by new concepts compatible with the new experimental findings published in 2012 and 2013) then it is obvious that any author nowadays (inspired by the results of the new experimental findings) has to proposed the same proposals of mine proposed in 2006, otherwise he cannot explain the new experiments.

In my paper ETHER it is proposed that the space is filled by electric particles e(+), magnetic particles m(+), permeability particles p(+), gravity particles g(+), repulsive particle G(+), and their respective antipariticles e(-), m(-), p(-), g(-), G(-). In the paper it is shown that structure of the space is able to explain the electromagnetic phenomena.

In the paper A MODEL OF PHOTON, published in the page 20 of my book Quantum Ring Theory, it is proposed that the photon is formed by one particle and one antiparticle, they moving with helical trajectory (zitterbewegung). The particle of the photon is composed by the agglutination of the elementary particles of the ether, and the antiparticle of the photon is formed by the elementary antiparticles of the ether. Such model explains all the properties of the light. In the paper it is also shown that from such model we get the Maxwell Equations.

The physicists had used to suppose that the photons are formed by the excitation of the matter (atoms or nuclei) only, that's why they had used to suppose that the space is an empty vacuum. Now the experiments are showing that photons can be created from the space, which means that the space cannot be an empty vacuum, as they supposed suggested by Einstein's theory. The new experiments are showing that photons can be created from the structure of the space, and this means that photons are composed from the agglutination of elementary particles and antiparticles of the ether, as proposed in Quantum Ring Theory in 2006.

Dear Prof. Ulf Meissner , in order to eliminate the plagiarism commited by EPJ, I suggest you to publish a note in the upcoming issue of the journal , so that to explain to the readers that the hypothesis (regarding a space filled by particles and antiparticles) had been already proposed in my book, in 2006.
Otherwise, if you do not publish it, I will be obliged to suit in law the European Physical Journal.

Wladimir Guglinski


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