Below very fresh problem how to explain that we have anisotropy space ( below mathematic evidence ) I wait for universities - somone need help me research ....

BR Author Maciej Marosz
Engineer and Invetor


I'm inside rocket .
roket is not accelerating and is not slowing down
rocket has go zero fuel joust is going

Rocket -------> constant (Vr)

on the table inside rocket I have mass m ( m also have Vr)

m --------- > Vr

How many energy I must use to change mass m velocity ?

situation 1

Energy 1 = ?

m --------> (Vr - Vo)

situation 2
Energy 2

m -------> ( Vr + Vo )

+ Vo and - Vo and mass m ???

I see small problem how to evaluate above situations below Ytube = my question

[url=]Marosz's problem [/url]

How to test above problem on the Earth
and Not only on the Earth ?

Right now physics not help Us
( below paragraph is inside Each books ( 400 years old problem !!!)

" Galileo postulated his relativity hypothesis: any two observers moving at constant speed and direction with respect to one another will obtain the same results for all mechanical experiments (it is understood that the apparatuses they use for these experiments move with them).
This idea has a very important consequence: velocity is not absolute. This means that velocity can only be measured in reference to some object(s), and that the result of this measurment changes if we decide to measure the velocity with respect to a diferent refernce point(s). Imagine an observer traveling inside a windowless spaceship moving away from the sun at constant velocity. Galileo asserted that there are no mechanical experiments that can be made inside the rocket that will tell the occupants that the rocket is moving .
The question ``are we moving'' has no meaning unless we specify a reference frame (are we moving with respect to that star'' is meaningful). This fact, formulated in the 1600's remains very true today and is one of the cornerstones of Einstein's theories of relativity."

Marosz -----> we can measure anisotropy ? Inertia Frame ?

Pendulum Test ( only three steps 24 h test )

Light's signal ???

First test in home

Not Exist C+ V earth speed !!!
Light has got zero mass and is not traveling with Earth

Important Animation ( apparent point )

My test in Home

1 Idea

2 real first test ( Poland)


3 First pictures we can compare brightness +30 km/s and - 30 km/s

( brightness - photoshop 10 histogram) west ( -30km/s ) and East (+30 km/s )