Here's Jerry's response to your first comment. I'll send him your additional comments right now. Thanks!
The point you realized, that no ENERGY is continually output by gravity, is one of the unique new features offered by the C-R theory. What I try to say is that “gravity” (as we experience it) is an after-effect, or the result of “curvature” changing the energy-carrying capacity of matter. It is more-like a vice squeezing an orange, reducing it’s juice-carrying capacity. (But gravity IS reversible in small doses, and not a one-way effect.)
Curvature is a (geo)metric-like shaping, bending, distortion, that prevents some carrying-capacity as curvature increases. As we lift-up an object, we enable it to exist for a slightly-longer amount-of-time, which takes EXACTLY the amount of ENERGY we had to exert. Unless we drop the object, it keeps this new energy.
NOTE: The effect is very small, or about one part in 1016th per meter. Mainstream science has missed this point entirely.
Please check-out the C-R theory at for more info. Jerry Reynard