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The Concept of the Whole and Threadism ©Kyra K 2009 Andrea is discussing this with me.
I don’t know, Andrea, maybe it’s not that different from what others have written. Probably not. So, when do you want to start?[Remember, you did ask me to help you.) Yes, I need someone to ask me questions and bounce back (with more questions to my answers). It’s all speculation you know. Everything is. Well, everything which addresses the meaning of life etc, is. Okay, here goes. Scientists are saying that 25% of the Universe is dark matter and 70% of the Universe is dark energy - that is a whopping 95% of everything being this ‘dark’ stuff which may, or may not, co-exist. It is through us, with us and I think it may be us. Hang on, am I supposed to argue with this now? Well, what do you think? It’s a bit simplistic isn’t it? I wish it was. Well, it’s no secret that you have Pantheist leanings. The Pantheists believe just what you have said, that everything is the Universe and the Universe is everything. Yes, but not that one part is matter-aware and the other part is energy-aware. Which is which? Look, I don’t know, but consider this hypothesis. We are matter aware and the other part of us, which exists with us, but also separate to us (seemingly) is energy aware. You say seemingly? Well everything is joined – just that some are not aware that it is. I think that’s why meditation works. When humans are able to let go of the physical for a few seconds, minutes, hours or even days as some monks can, we tap into the dark energy. We are not aware that we are aware? Well, we are, of course aware that we are here, but not all of us are aware that we are part of the Whole: dark energy and dark matter combined. And let’s stop calling it dark. Just because scientists can’t see it, it doesn’t make it dark. We have nothing to quantify its colour. I will call both forms ‘Light’ from now on. As in Light energy and Light matter. Yeah, I do agree with you about the dark inference, it makes it sound sinister. So what you are saying is that we are all part of the same thing, this Light energy and this Light matter stuff? Okay, consider this, the Light matter may be what is live. Everything that has life, as we know it, has awareness, even if they are not aware of having awareness. Light matter 25%. Then another 70% is Light energy which still has awareness because, I believe, it is connected. And the other 5% is all the physical matter: bodies, bone, fur, feather, mineral chemical and inert material. Yeah, we humans are aware of being aware. And some other animals may be aware of being aware, too. Yes, but I am talking about all life: insects, animals, germs, microbes, bacteria and all the botanicals being the 25% Light matter. But still connected to the 70% Light energy. I have thought of an analogy. As I said before, this is probably not original, but it is the closest I can get, to explaining myself. I’m listening. A flock of birds seem separate but to themselves they are not completely separate. They are connected to the lead bird and he/she to them. One entity, many parts. When flying formation this connection is obvious (they instantly move as one while they still have their own position and place) but it may be they have some sort of connection which is not so obvious at other times, too. So might all animals and insects and even plants. It could be species specific (this close awareness of the others). And we humans have this too, for example: when there is a short story competition or call for an anthology a lot of the entries/contributions will have the same theme. And it also explains other synchronicity. Let’s take this a step further, perhaps all life is connected (animals plants, microbes humans etc) and all death, as we know it, is connected as well. Death? After death of the outer shell (our separate state) we are awoken to the awareness (it has always been with us) of light energy. And this Light energy has far more consciousness than the consciousness we live through our physical selves. It may be like the flock of birds flying in formation all seeing through the same eyes and feeling though the same body of the flock. Like I said, I think we are connected to this Light energy in life even when we have the ‘shell’. So everything, both Light energy 70% and Light matter 25% is one at all times, or the Whole. That is some concept. What about the nitty gritty matter, the blood and bone, leaf and fur, so to speak? Mere packaging (and only a tiny 5% of all) and it is the way we (all living organisms) can abide in this environment. Oh, that’s what you mean by the ‘shell’. But just how are we ‘connected’? I think it may be through threads. Something similar perhaps, to radio waves (different frequencies and strengths) but the connection is like tissue (in a human body) we need it to be the ‘Whole.’ Let’s call this connection Threadism. Perhaps it is also part of what we used to call instinct and intuition. So now, whenever I look at someone else, I remember that their Light matter and Light energy is our/my Light matter and our/my Light energy. And when this body wears out I will still be, but with more awareness. The awareness of the Universe. The Universe or the Whole (except for the 5%) Yes, exactly. Not The Universe but We Universe. Yes, well, how did us/we Universe come about? Look, like I told M, I am just like a horse trying to explain/understand how a television works; what I have here is just a line (drawn with my hoof!) depicting the side of the screen. I certainly don’t have all the answers. Why do we need to come here as sentient, or living beings? Well, I think, for variety. Entertainment, stimulation, change, growth. (Andrea, don’t forget there are other life-filled planets). As The Whole we all benefit. We humans learn what benefits, or you could say what is right, by cause and effect, conscience and acknowledging Karma both good and bad. From this, we as humans have gained tolerance, understanding and compassion. Connection, passive or otherwise, strengthens or makes possible these learnings. Anyway, a lot of what we think is bad, is not - like dying for instance. Also, I think that not all of the 70% of us that is light energy (not physical) has to interchange with the physical, or the 25% Light matter, ever. For this bit of Us, perhaps the Us that lives in the Physical, are like our novels or short stories! Lol. What are the advantages of believing in this? Well, no envy - you can be truly happy for another when you know the other is you, (by Threadism) as well. No selfishness. No fear of the future. We learn that listening to our ‘Instinct or Intuition’ or the voice of the Whole, and seeing synchronicity for signs of Threadism as well, can help us live a more fulfilled life. And understanding that Karma is working for us. And I guess you don’t have to worry about death. Exactly, and it (this belief) makes you want to live. How so? Well, for the good of the Whole you want to enjoy and experience life as much as you can. And also learn from Karma. Is all suffering karma then? No, not all. I think the only way we can control the 5% which is the actual matter and the elements too, which bring disaster (in our thinking) etc, is by collective learning. This learning has led us to manipulate our environment (and our lives). And we have learned by our mistakes and successes. We, the Whole, are not perfect or omniscient. Even though We are connected it does not stop people, microbes germs, elements etc from doing their separate thing, be it ‘wrong’ (by human standards) or just following their own nature. But of all the parts of the Whole, humans have had more influence/control over themselves and their own environment. Now, how can I get this straight? I’ll try and quantify it in numbers. 1. We are all part of, and therefore, the Whole. Less the 5% physical: blood, bone, fur, feather bodies, minerals, gases and inert matter. Which we are learning to control. 2. There is no need for envy or fear of the future. No need for selfishness. We should look at everyone as the Whole. Before I go on, I should explain (although you would already know this) that not everyone knows they are part of the Whole. But they still would be? Yes, but, like an arm that has gone to sleep because some of the circulation has been cut off, they are separate. But you said..? The arm with the circulation partly cut off has the blood, life force, still circulating. The arm is joined to the body but it feels separate and is not good for the body. We can still acknowledge that it (those unaware) is part of us but we need to do something about it. I see, make it/them aware. Yes, rub the circulation back (lol), support, understand. Or, in some cases, keep away.
Okay, 3 - No need for fear of death. Or for us to say there is no god, when people/ animals die. Death is not the big deal we thought it was. Although, of course it is very sad for those still in the physical 5%. But for We that die (shed shells) it is a greater awareness. And We are still joined to those loved ones by Threadism.
4. The god is WE (connected) with the Whole by Threadism. Light energy 70%, Light matter 25% and Outer shells (what is visible) 5%. Only the shells go back to stardust.
5. For the Whole there is no time but IS. We experience this life as we know it, for growth, interest and awe, for the good of the Whole. And to learn by our mistakes and triumphs, take notice of Karma and synchronicity, instinct and intuition. The Whole is evolving.
6. We may feel separate but this is so we can get the maximum benefit of being a living being. Synchronicity and Karma, instinct and intuition, show we are still connected by Threadism.
7. Just like the numb arm we are still part of the Whole, even if we are not aware.
8. In parting with the shell we become more aware, as we are awake to the greater Whole. Mm… interesting concept. Do you think it will catch on? Well, if I’m right, others of Light Matter know this already. And the Light Energy has always known. Precisely.
NB - I think, We (95%) are as connected to the 5% as a musician is connected to a trumpet/ trombone etc. We blow breath (life) through it and the music we play is an extension and expression of ourselves.
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"I used to say I am me, now it's us now it's we."
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By way of AWT... or... Through the Breath (pneuma).... oh, sorry.... === I'm surprised those posts haven't started yet; maybe they're on vacation now. They will and should be honored to be reflected so well by your vision. Threadism... I'm ready to sign up--send me an application. === I'm just so amazed to see your words that express what I knew I knew--but I also was so sure was so unexpressible. Good job! This also successfully overthrows the impulse to antropomorphize the connectedness. No pun intended, but it was through the study of "string theories" that I came to intuit this view of the illusion that we call reality. Threadism is a most appropriate name, eh? ...and through that study (string theories) that we can see how the fundamental dimensions [from which ours are derived] lend that synchronicity, meaning, purpose, and creativity to this reality--across time--revealing omniscience, omnipotence... omnipresence. You must read Stuart Kauffman's "Reinventing the Sacred" mentioned here: http://www.scienceagogo.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=26073#Post26073p.s. ...and welcome to the forum here. Happy Solstice ~ 
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There is something very appealing about 'Threadism", (though I am uncomfortable praising an 'ism'). I think the idea of connectiveness approximates something that I have always felt and have tried to think through too-- that is that by being 'here' we are all part of the whole existence that makes life possible through mutual need and support. However I query the semi-spiritual tone of some of your conclusions, especially the WE as god. We need no god figure in this picture of existence-- the fact we are here is enough verification. We also need no cozy Afterlife Cafe where we will meet up with all our old friends for a bit of a chat. This is it, our death is the end. Any of our atoms left over will go to build the planet further and we will live in the memories of those who knew of us. That is enough-- our separate experience of the thread of each life is the reason for our existence.
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Thanks, samwik, for your kind words. I'm really thrilled you got something from my theory - anything you could add would be greatly appreciated.
Re: string theories I have read about them being likened to a chord strummed on a guitar, two or more strings vibrating to produce a separate sound, or if you like another dimension - I thought that was a good analogy.
Ellis, thank you too for your comments. I see what you mean about the use of the word, god. Perhaps universe would have been a better choice - a little less biblical?
I don't believe, and my theory supports this, that there is an afterlife. In death/shedding of the 5% 'shell' we are awakened from this bodily experience to the far more awareness of the Whole(which has always been 'Us') or the 95% of what makes up the universe.
Yes, I think Threadism sounds good, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the word did not exist on Google before this post. I love the way you expressed it as "our separate experience of the thread of each life".
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It's too late to add more now--maybe tomorrow.  But one small thought I had was the enjoyment I get from interpreting "normal" religious dogma, phrases, or wisdom in terms of this threadlike, "wholistic," and non-anthropomorphic view of reality (all 100%). Phrases like "The Lord is always with you" take on a different meaning--not anthropomorphizing a "Lord," but becoming just an obvious statement of the nature of reality--we are always with the threads that create us. I don't know if religions would appreciate my liberal and abstract interpretation or translation of their words, but as I say--it does bring me a certain joy and satisfaction. It helps me form a more integrative world view; seeing similarities where too often we can easily see differences.
Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.
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Concept of threadism follows from Aether Wave Theory, by which reality is composed of fractal density fluctuations of hypothetical particle environment of infinite mass/energy density, i.e. the Aether. These fluctuations would appear like structureless blobs of Perlin noise similar to clouds from general perspective - but from larger distance the details of structure are washed, so that only threads and points remain. It's a space-time distance perspective, what makes vacuum foamy and stringy for us both at macroscopic scale (the past) or the microscopic scale (i.e. the future with respect to omnidirectional Universe expansion).
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Hi Zephir. That's amazing! When I coined the word, Threadism, I never thought it could be explained in such clear scientific terms. Of course seeing that it is both Dark Energy and Dark Matter combined, it makes sense that it has to do with the gravitational expansion of the universe. The unexplained speeding up of which is how we know of these phenomena.
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Hi Ellis re: my use of the word, God, just a quick quote from Jaron Lanier : God is the most powerful symbol we have created. The Spaniards in the New World built their churches on the holy sites of those they vanquished. Notre Dame sits on a Druid holy site. Shall we use the God word? It is our choice. Mine is a tentative "yes". I want God to mean the vast ceaseless creativity of the only universe we know of, ours. What do we gain by using the God word? I suspect a great deal, for the word carries with it awe and reverence. If we can transfer that awe and reverence, not to the transcendental Abrahamic God of my Israelite tribe long ago, but to the stunning reality that confronts us, we will grant permission for a renewed spirituality, and awe, reverence and responsibility for all that lives, for the planet.
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Kyra- listen to the Tim Minchin tape on U-tube posted by david mabus. It is a brilliant discussion of belief and the need for it, ( That being said I've no idea why DM posted it!!!) Tim has been around in Oz for a while and is now expanding to the UK. A warning though. His language is foul! But typical!
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Ellis, I couldn't find the tape you mentioned but I did watch a few hundred virgins etc.. and, If you open your mind too much. That guy is amazing! Brilliant songs. I've always said a good comedian is a very intelligent person and Tim Minchin proves that premise!
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Shall we use the God word? Nothing like God word exists: what exists are just only words of some people, which may interpret God correctly - but they may not.
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Shall we use the God word? Nothing like God word exists: what exists are just only words of some people, which may interpret God correctly - but they may not. Some people spend more time living in their personal interpretations of what it (the word and all of its history) means to others and how to box it in a definition, rather than look into the history of the word and what it represents aside all personal belief. It is more important for the ego to make a comparison and to help settle ones self in personal belief and idealism, in and amongst the varying idealistic theories and passed down beliefs of generations past. Otherwise the ego has nothing without its personal belief and the self validation that is freedom to generate an opinion regardless of whether it is based on reality. The word itself refers to that which underlies all personal beliefs, and it threatens the foundation of isolated personality. To experience God one has to let go of personality, and that is death to the ego of personal belief and idealism. For the personal ego which stands on principles of past impressions to let go of isolationism and to become part of a bigger whole is difficult. It can make a determination that there may be a bigger picture and a whole that is inclusive but only in terms that are insistent that the whole credit and acknowledge the personal as a key piece to the puzzle. It (ego) must insist the whole does not exist without that piece, and that the whole is secondary to the personal, making the whole an option for the personal if the personal has what it needs to find consideration for the whole, even if the personal feels there is finality in death, in which the whole becomes a non sequitur.
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Hi Tutor, Good point. Words are just man-made anyway. Or in the case of swear words, mad-made! There certainly is a bigger picture and all we have is the capacity of humans to visualize it. Some of the most powerful things cannot be actually seen (electricity, magnetism etc) The Concept of The Whole explains that 95% of what makes up the Universe is only determined by its effect on the expansion of itself. Speeding up not slowing down as the scientists expected. And what Threadism looks like is immaterial, pardon the pun!)We see its effects in our connectedness through synchronicity etc. Let's get back to my original post!
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A very neat and, may I say, captivating theory.
I like your change of dark energy/matter to 'light', as the former term carries too many negative connotations.
I'm dubious though of how much awareness 'we' will have when our bodily shell wears out. Will we know what form we took before, will we remember people, events etc or will none of that matter?
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Hi Gregarach,
Thanks for that. I don't know. I wish I did. But an awareness which encompasses something as great as the 'Whole' would be a different one to this human awareness. Just as an ant's awareness is different to say, that of a dolphin. That doesn't answer your question: would we remember? But perhaps those things will not be so important to 'Us' then.
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A belief which leaves no place for doubt is not a belief; it is a superstition. -Jose Bergamin, author (1895-1983)
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Hi Gregarach, Thanks for that. I don't know. I wish I did. But an awareness which encompasses something as great as the 'Whole' would be a different one to this human awareness. Just as an ant's awareness is different to say, that of a dolphin. That doesn't answer your question: would we remember? But perhaps those things will not be so important to 'Us' then. When you say this human awareness, I'm assuming you are referring to your personal state of human awareness or that which is categorized as normal. Do you understand the concept of Human enlightenment and do you see that as abnormal or myth? Are you aware of the concept of Full Human Consciousness, or being fully conscious or aware of the whole while being in a body such as is described of certain saints, sages or mahatmas of past and present. Are you also aware of the fact that reincarnation was a part of Christianity until it was banned from the church in the 4th century, and that it is also taught in Eastern philosophy and spiritual sciences. It is said in terms of full human consciousness that there are no boundaries or limits to knowledge, and that everything is cognized or remembered. The thing is, the mind in such a state does not dwell on the physical experience as much as it is present in greater universal principals than that of physical laws. Such a mind unbounded is released from physical constraints and the belief that it (the physical reality) is primary.
I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!
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The Concept of the Whole and Threadism ©Kyra K 2009 Andrea is discussing this with me.
I don’t know, Andrea, maybe it’s not that different from what others have written. Probably not. So, when do you want to start?
RevLGKing here: Kyra M, How are you and Kyra K related to one another? Are you dialoguing as one?
[Remember, you did ask me to help you.]
Yes, I need someone to ask me questions and bounce back (with more questions to my answers). It’s all speculation you know. Everything is. Well, everything which addresses the meaning of life etc, is.
Okay, here goes: Scientists are saying that 25% of the Universe is dark matter and 70% of the Universe is dark energy - that is a whopping 95% of everything being this ‘dark’ stuff which may, or may not, co-exist. It is through us, with us and I think it may be us.
Hang on, am I supposed to argue with this now?
Well, what do you think?
It’s a bit simplistic isn’t it? I wish it was.
Well, it’s no secret that you have Pantheist leanings. The Pantheists believe just what you have said, that everything is the Universe and the Universe is everything.
M&K, are you familiar with the term 'panENtheism'? If not, I suggest you do a search. You write as a panentheist would. RevLGK
Yes, but not that one part is matter-aware and the other part is energy-aware.
Which is which?
Look, I don’t know, but consider this hypothesis. We are matter aware and the other part of us, which exists with us, but also separate to us (seemingly) is energy aware. You say seemingly?
Well everything is joined – just that some are not aware that it is. I think that’s why meditation works.
When humans are able to let go of the physical for a few seconds, minutes, hours or even days as some monks can, we tap into the dark energy. We are not aware that we are aware? M&K, I, RevLGK, apologize if it offends you that I have edited your thread so as to make it more readable at least for me
Well, we are, of course aware that we are here, but not all of us are aware that we are part of the Whole: dark energy and dark matter combined. And let’s stop calling it dark.
Just because scientists can’t see it, it doesn’t make it dark. We have nothing to quantify its colour. I will call both forms ‘Light’ from now on. As in Light energy and Light matter.
Yeah, I do agree with you about the dark inference, it makes it sound sinister. So what you are saying is that we are all part of the same thing, this Light energy and this Light matter stuff?
Okay, consider this, the Light matter may be what is live. Everything that has life, as we know it, has awareness, even if they are not aware of having awareness. Light matter 25%. Then another 70% is Light energy which still has awareness because, I believe, it is connected. And the other 5% is all the physical matter: bodies, bone, fur, feather, mineral chemical and inert material.
Yeah, we humans are aware of being aware. And some other animals may be aware of being aware, too.
Yes, but I am talking about all life: insects, animals, germs, microbes, bacteria and all the botanicals being the 25% Light matter. But still connected to the 70% Light energy. I have thought of an analogy. As I said before, this is probably not original, but it is the closest I can get, to explaining myself. I’m listening.
A flock of birds seem separate but to themselves they are not completely separate. They are connected to the lead bird and he/she to them. One entity, many parts. When flying formation this connection is obvious (they instantly move as one while they still have their own position and place) but it may be they have some sort of connection which is not so obvious at other times, too. So might all animals and insects and even plants. It could be species specific (this close awareness of the others).
And we humans have this too, for example: when there is a short story competition or call for an anthology a lot of the entries/contributions will have the same theme. And it also explains other synchronicity. Let’s take this a step further, perhaps all life is connected (animals plants, microbes humans etc) and all death, as we know it, is connected as well. Death?
After death of the outer shell (our separate state) we are awoken to the awareness (it has always been with us) of light energy. And this Light energy has far more consciousness than the consciousness we live through our physical selves. It may be like the flock of birds flying in formation all seeing through the same eyes and feeling though the same body of the flock.
Like I said, I think we are connected to this Light energy in life even when we have the ‘shell’. So everything, both Light energy 70% and Light matter 25% is one at all times, or the Whole.
That is some concept. What about the nitty-gritty matter, the blood and bone, leaf and fur, so to speak?
Mere packaging (and only a tiny 5% of all) and it is the way we (all living organisms) can abide in this environment.
Oh, that’s what you mean by the ‘shell’. But just how are we ‘connected’?
I think it may be through threads. Something similar perhaps, to radio waves (different frequencies and strengths) but the connection is like tissue (in a human body) we need it to be the ‘Whole.’
Let’s call this connection Threadism. Perhaps it is also part of what we used to call instinct and intuition.
So now, whenever I look at someone else, I remember that their Light matter and Light energy is our/my Light matter and our/my Light energy.
And when this body wears out I will still be, but with more awareness. The awareness of the Universe.
The Universe or the Whole (except for the 5%) Yes, exactly. Not The Universe but We Universe. Yes, well, how did us/we Universe come about?
Look, like I told M, I am just like a horse trying to explain/understand how a television works; what I have here is just a line (drawn with my hoof!) depicting the side of the screen. I certainly don’t have all the answers. Why do we need to come here as sentient, or living beings?
Well, I think, for variety. Entertainment, stimulation, change, growth. (Andrea, don’t forget there are other life-filled planets). As The Whole we all benefit. We humans learn what benefits, or you could say what is right, by cause and effect, conscience and acknowledging Karma both good and bad.
From this, we as humans have gained tolerance, understanding and compassion.
Connection, passive or otherwise, strengthens or makes possible these learnings. Anyway, a lot of what we think is bad, is not - like dying for instance.
Also, I think that not all of the 70% of us that is light energy (not physical) has to interchange with the physical, or the 25% Light matter, ever. For this bit of Us, perhaps the Us that lives in the Physical, are like our novels or short stories! Lol.
What are the advantages of believing in this? Well, no envy - you can be truly happy for another when you know the other is you, (by Threadism) as well.
No selfishness.
No fear of the future.
We learn that listening to our ‘Instinct or Intuition’ or the voice of the Whole, and seeing synchronicity for signs of Threadism as well, can help us live a more fulfilled life. And understanding that Karma is working for us. And I guess you don’t have to worry about death.
Exactly, and it (this belief) makes you want to live.
How so?
Well, for the good of the Whole you want to enjoy and experience life as much as you can. And also learn from Karma.
Is all suffering karma then?
No, not all. I think the only way we can control the 5% which is the actual matter and the elements too, which bring disaster (in our thinking) etc, is by collective learning. This learning has led us to manipulate our environment (and our lives).
And we have learned by our mistakes and successes. We, the Whole, are not perfect or omniscient. Even though We are connected it does not stop people, microbes germs, elements etc from doing their separate thing, be it ‘wrong’ (by human standards) or just following their own nature. But of all the parts of the Whole, humans have had more influence/control over themselves and their own environment. Now, how can I get this straight?
I’ll try and quantify it in numbers.
1. We are all part of, and therefore, the Whole. Less the 5% physical: blood, bone, fur, feather bodies, minerals, gases and inert matter. Which we are learning to control.
2. There is no need for envy or fear of the future. No need for selfishness. We should look at everyone as the Whole.
Before I go on, I should explain (although you would already know this) that not everyone knows they are part of the Whole. But they still would be?
Yes, but, like an arm that has gone to sleep because some of the circulation has been cut off, they are separate. But you said..?
The arm with the circulation partly cut off has the blood, life force, still circulating. The arm is joined to the body but it feels separate and is not good for the body.
We can still acknowledge that it (those unaware) is part of us but we need to do something about it.
I see, make it/them aware.
Yes, rub the circulation back (lol), support, understand. Or, in some cases, keep away.
Okay, 3 - No need for fear of death. Or for us to say there is no god, when people/ animals die.
Death is not the big deal we thought it was. Although, of course it is very sad for those still in the physical 5%. But for We that die (shed shells) it is a greater awareness. And We are still joined to those loved ones by Threadism.
4. The god is WE (connected) with the Whole by Threadism. Light energy 70%, Light matter 25% and Outer shells (what is visible) 5%. Only the shells go back to stardust.
5. For the Whole there is no time but IS. We experience this life as we know it, for growth, interest and awe, for the good of the Whole. And to learn by our mistakes and triumphs, take notice of Karma and synchronicity, instinct and intuition. The Whole is evolving.
6. We may feel separate but this is so we can get the maximum benefit of being a living being. Synchronicity and Karma, instinct and intuition, show we are still connected by Threadism.
7. Just like the numb arm we are still part of the Whole, even if we are not aware.
8. In parting with the shell we become more aware, as we are awake to the greater Whole. Mm… interesting concept. Do you think it will catch on?
Well, if I’m right, others of Light Matter know this already. And the Light Energy has always known. Precisely.
NB - I think, We (95%) are as connected to the 5% as a musician is connected to a trumpet/ trombone etc. We blow breath (life) through it and the music we play is an extension and expression of ourselves. M&K, if you object to what I have done to your interesting essay, please let me, RevLGK (panentheist/unitheist), know. We can always ask the moderators to change things. I'm easy!
Last edited by Revlgking; 07/01/09 10:45 PM. Reason: to be helpful.
G~O~D--Now & ForeverIS:Nature, Nurture & PNEUMA-ture, Thanks to Warren Farr&ME AT www.unitheist.org