A Cosmos View

“What is expected to be found?” was a question put to a particle physicist by the media just before the new large Hadron collider was switched on.
“We are hoping to find a god-like particle which will show us how the cosmos came into being”, was the reply.
The physicist was then asked: “What happens if you don’t find it?”
“Then we will have to look in another direction”, came the reply.
The collider was then switched on and after a minute or so there was a flicker on the screen, which was followed by great applause.
“Was that it?” the physicist was asked.
“No”, was the reply, “that applause was because it switched on. It may take a year to find it”.
This reply brought bitter disappointment. After all, we were told that switching on could cause a black hole to appear. However, a few days after the switch-on there was a massive magnet quench, that is, its magnets began to overheat so the whole contraption had to be closed down until the spring of 2009.
So, what was I expecting the collider to find?
To answer this, it is necessary to ‘switch on’ to my periodical This Natural Cosmos, the free download link found below; this new 17 page issue explaining in depth my view of a different direction, that is just zoom in and out of its illustrations to see the intensity of circulation which convinces me there is a need for a complete review into the way we see the cosmos.
