The UK's Ministry of Defence is to open its UFO sightings to the public, for the first time.
Official have not yet decided upon a date for release of the reports, which date back to 1967, but it is hoped to be within a few weeks
The move follows the decision by the "French National Space Agency"....which released its files last March. They were the first official body in the world to do so. The French Website is here UFO buffs will be keen to find out about the 'Rendlesham' sightings in 1980. Which has been called Britains 'Roswell'
Where a number of military witnesses reported a UFO actually landing. Reports of ground markings, and alleged radio-activity
were never released.
The UK documents due for release are all verified reports of apparent sightings, made by civil pilots, military personel, police, and others.
Most were collected and filed by a secret defence unit, called DI55. No details have ever been made public.
There are 24 files due for release, each file containing over 200 reports of verified sightings. Plus internal MoD briefings and correspondence.
***I will try to keep all informed when the reports are released.