Well apart from the one I mentioned below
"The Pentagon will attack EU Satellites using
anti XSS-??"
Here are others you might want to comment on.
Remember the Genesis Space Capsule that crashed in the Utah desert. Its parachute never deployed
because the Gravity switches that were to detect Earths gravity and auto-deploy the paras....were
installed upside down. Bad mistake.
Another bad mistake was made by NASA in mixing up feet and meters, losing the Mars lander.
The tragedy of the unseen broken Shuttle tiles.
The damaged...but reused, Titan shuttle rubber rings.
Yes accidents do happen ..But the more serious the potential consequences are...the more checks
must be put into place. Knowledge must be put into the public domain, and acted upon.
Just who is going to take resposibility for cleaning up radio-active leakage from buried drums polluting the river? Will you hide your head in the sand and tell no-one. I trust not.