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DA Morgan
- Billions of people around the World believe that there is a God. - The earth is perfectly made for life to exist. (A self-Sustaining Planet, where all parts coexist to work together) - The World has order. - The World was not created by chance. (Just because humans can not comprehend the maths behind it) The distinguished astronomer Sir Frederick Hoyle showed how amino acids randomly coming together in a human cell is mathematically absurd. Sir Hoyle illustrated the weakness of "chance" with the following analogy. "What are the chances that a tornado might blow through a junkyard containing all the parts of a 747, accidentally assemble them into a plane, and leave it ready for take-off? The possibilities are so small as to be negligible even if a tornado were to blow through enough junkyards to fill the whole universe!" (Evolution from Space, Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe,J. M. Dent & Sons, 1981, p. 130)) -Right and Wrong has been embedded in the system. We all have a sense of hurt, and we know what not to do and what we should do! We are not Robots we are emotional learning beings. - Everything in the world requires balance for it to run efficiently. A Balanced Lifestyle- Not too much, Not too little or this can lead to complications. In this sense we have all been created equal. - Man makes his own future, and has the power to change the world. - Human beings have often failed to consider the big picture. Problems have arisen because of the short term decision making and exploitation, failing to consider the needs of everyone within the system. (These actions, have indirectly and directly affected people and the things around us) - Without Suffering love would not exist, without love life would not exist. Without life God would not exist. We are on this Earth for God.
We are emotional creatures driven by feelings
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Oh imbecilic egotistical poppycock. You are no more miraculous than a walnut.
Plato wrote: "Billions of people around the World believe that there is a God."
More of them believe in Islam than Christianity. I say we put it to a vote. Of course far more of them don't believe in either.
Plato wrote: "The World has order."
And order, of course, can not possibly arise through the known laws of physics. Order must therefore equal a Judeo-Christian deity. Amazing. Did you get your synapses out of a box of breakfast cereal?
Plato wrote: "The World was not created by chance."
And you know this how?
What an amazing ability you have to throw away, at a whim, millions of years of human cerebral evolution. Or perhaps I've misjudged you. Perhaps you are the first chipmunk that has an internet connection.
DA Morgan
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I've gorra say I learned this throuh astral travel, theres the physical realm , the hear and now thats really solid that we can't manipulate, our bodys are part of the physical, and then theres the astral your soul, which is made up of billiols of electrons which leave our body when we die, our soul, which we can explore the world ourselves. yeah there is the universe, but there are more universes than there are stars in it, its infinate, but also infinately small if we manage to move beyond it. all the souls in every universe hook up and conjoine togother and are controlled bye one mind, one conciousness, when a soul expands his conciousness to all "that is light" he attains godhood. God is the creator of the universe, but he him self has a creator, the infiniverse, which is just like a huge white disk with a face on it the all origonal master soul we are part of. it is finate, but the mere thaught of it is well beyond the conciousness of what the average man is cabable of thinking within him are the gods and the angels, and the gods are made up of stars as if they were mere electrons in his soul. there are two infinity verses good and evil,posotive and negative, black and white which are in total darkness. no one knows what the infinity verse is a microcosm of and we will never know, but I have a feeling, the whole of what is in existance is infinatley small and infinatley big. we could find that the infiniverses make up to form a cell in somones body and we find ourself going around in circles again, and its a never ending cycle with a begining and end and then a begining again for eternity, god is so close to being nothing, he is in every cell in our body, but we are so close to being everything, within every cell is a microsoul which is made up of infiniverses which is made up of universes and planets, thats what life is, and it will go on for all eternity, you can not define life how big or how small because if you did it would be finate and it wouldnt exist!!!!!!!!!! the only answer is that its eternal and there is no answer, and disapointingly getting our concious mind around the universe is a cycle of infinate expansion only to find out the whole thing aye nothing but a cell in someones liver. to expand so and nothing else out side other than its own existance. If we were to run through one side of the universe we would just come out the other side, If we wanted to find out what the universe is we would find it appears like infinaty but its the smallest microcosm of life on another level.
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I dunno maytey,
I think you misread the title of this board. It's Origins, not Fantasy. Astral Travel is as illusory as the rest of your explanation of existence.
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As illusory as a deity nominally named god to which are ascribed thoughts, decisions, actions, and words for which there is no verification?
I find both Maytey's invention and the ones of extant religions equally compelling. On what basis do you believe in your but reject his?
And let me remind you of the following before you respond:
Scriptures: the sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based. ~ Ambrose Bierce
When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. ~ Stephen Roberts
From my vantage point you two are equals.
DA Morgan
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you might think it to be mumbo jumbo, thats because you don't listen in. you use your skeptisism and manly rational minds. when god talked about our our planet his angel say ohhhh, god says which world is that bloke from, his angel say the one hitler took control of and einstein ruined, the dying planet. you wont find the answers simply by preying, you have to blank your mind all togethor for half an hour and go into a trance before you start hearing the voices of the spirits around, you. you can ask them all the questions you want. you have to blank your mind and feel the vibrational movements of your soul inside you. it takes practice. its like tuning into the radio station, and it is real, what your hearing is real life people but on another frequency. the reason we dont see good walking down the street is because, to see him we have to be on the same level. God runs the radio show but you wont hear nothin till ya turn on your radio and tune in, that can can only be acheived in a state of blank mind for half an hour and focusing on all the vibrations, it is not imagination what you see is real, after a while ask for a messenger of god to tell you the real story and how the universe is. don't relly on einstein, he only mucked things up, so what he write a few words and thaught of a way to to electric current though the smallest partical on earth and split it, so what, does that make him god??? all he ever acheived was to teach other men how to make bigger explosions than before, with few benefits where the destruction outweighs. einstein started a chain of thaught that will eventually lead to more destruction. what makes einstein any diffrent to joseph mangel, they both acheived the same thing, genecide. do you seriously think that everything that we see around us was created by pure chance, that some microscopic worm living on some igneus rock over time evolved into a fully fledged man???. It may of done but who do you think shaped and guided it? it was an influence on another frequency, that we cant see on the astral level. the astral level is like just the light, everything is loose and easy to shape and mould and over time what ever is on the physical plane will follow. how do you think the cells know where to go, and how to change into the colours of the feathers of the bird? the truth is that each cell has a soul which is also guided by god, god tell the souls inside the cells how they must form and shape, the cells are living things with souls. I can't beleive the absolute narrow minded arragance in this room, who dont even consider that a spiritual world of light and souls exists on another frequency, and has direct influenceon the physical earth, we can't see life, but we can see it at work, inside the physical, if you see a bird flying, you are not seeing life, but life working through the body of the bird. you are confusing the physical plane and all things in it with life. the physical plane and all we see is not life, but controlled by life, but the physical repulse the soul if the body a soul enters breaks down, the soul will naturally leave it, because the brain the place for the soul to controll the body doesnt work no more. the human brain is not life, the brain alone is not a mind, it is the soul the energy with in that is the mind. the brain does not think when there is no soul in it, it is only a mass of nerves conected to diffrent places of the body, that alone is not good enough for life, you need a soul.
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maytey wrote: "you might think it to be mumbo jumbo, thats because you don't listen in you use your skeptisism and manly rational minds."
Actually I think it mumbo jumbo because I do listen in. I listen to the fact that this jargon-laden nonsense has been foisted, year-after-year, generation-after-generation on different group's of gulliable people all of whom follow it until the next no-sense fad comes along.
I'm not sure how manly my mind is but I do sure as heck hope it is rational: The exact opposite, it seems, of yours.
You are just here selling your religion like everybody else. Another priest in parishioners clothing. What proof do you have that you are right? What evidence do you have that the universe would be different if you are wrong? Why should anyone care about any of your nonsense? What will it get them?
Will it cure war and cruelty and torture? History indicates pretty clearly the answer is no.
Will it cure Alzheimers or AIDS or leukemia or eradicate polio?
Will it make me happier in any manner other than the way that heroin makes people happy?
Go sell your poppycock somewhere else. Christianity at least has one thing going for it. It has survived more than a millenium. No one knew about your nonsense 100 years ago and no one will remember it 50 years from now.
DA Morgan
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Not entirely true DA; aboriginal, pagan and most of the Eastern philosophies all have their idea of astral travel, souls and such which predate Christianity by a few centuries at least.
My humble thoughts on religion and science are simple. There are many religions that use herbs and naturally ocurring substances to heal and perform what seems like miraculous cures. Many of the aborignal people profess belief in some spirits within the substance that heals. Centuries ago those ideas were deemed evil works of the heathens who would corrupt the good European souls. It turns out all those herbs and natural substances are now being vindicated by science as having truly amazing properties.
There is quite a movement among biologists to study the medicine of the remaining native people to learn what we can before that knowledge and the animals and plants are gone. This has happened over and over where one religion or belief system denounces another and then over time science provides the clear truth. I think science can prove or disprove the technical details of certain organized religions. Science is continously discovering new evidence of things that were condsidered supersitious poppycock, look up Cranial Sacral therapy, the effects meditation and such has on healing and you will see that not all things that were considered poppycock 20 years ago still are today.
I do not believe in A god so to speak, nor that there is a creator, but I do believe that in the end science will provide justification for many beliefs that were denounced centuries ago.
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before you go aragantly denying what I say , try going into a trance till you start seeing and sensing things and listen your self and ask all you need to know! paul
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Chaoslillith: "Not entirely true DA; aboriginal, pagan and most of the Eastern philosophies all have their idea of astral travel, souls and such which predate Christianity by a few centuries at least."
Plagiarizing a concept does not make the plagiarism valid. You can't even define the word "astral" ... it is a word that means the same thing as googoogaga or superfagilisticxpialidocious.
Chaos wrote: "There are many religions that use herbs and naturally ocurring substances to heal and perform what seems like miraculous cures"
Preposterous nonsense. Before the advent of modern medicine those wonderful people with their miracuous cures had life expectancies in their 30s-40s. The fact that modern medicine has used herbal anecdotes to identify plants with pharmacologically active substances does not mean squat. There are no miraculous cures for anything. There are just ignorant people wearing their ignorance as a badge-of=courage.
Chaos wrote: "There is quite a movement among biologists to study the medicine of the remaining native people"
On this we agree. Back in the 1970s I was one of them for several years. Both of my publications in the pharmaceutical industry were derived specifically from phytochemistry and involved using integrated Gas Chromotography/Mass Spectrometry for that very purpose.
But let me give you an analogy a bit closer to home. Botulinum toxin is as toxic a protein as has ever been discovered. It too is used by modern medicine. The toxic nature of the protein demonstrated a pharmacological activity that has since been exploited (for I'll grant an extremely stupid and shallow purpose) but people with food poisoning is hardly miraculous.
Similarly the fact that Southwest American indians blew their minds with mescaline is of zero pharmacetical value while the similar behavior of others led to the miracle that is morphine.
All of the poltices using mouldy bread in Europe did not produce penicillin. Penicillin was produced by chemists.
In the end science will do nothing other than demonstrate the simple fact that we, physically and mentally, do not violate the laws of physics.
DA Morgan
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Meytay wrote: "before you go aragantly denying what I say , try going into a trance till you start seeing and sensing things and listen your self and ask all you need to know!"
I've a better idea. Why don't you hold your breath until you turn blue?
The result will be the same but I have a special love of the colour blue.
DA Morgan
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DA said ? ?On what basis do you believe in your but reject his??
REP: At the centre of my faith lies an historical figure that I find to be unlike anyone else found in myth or legend. I accept that the proof of his existence and actions is not beyond question ? but there is enough there for those who wish, to explore further and see if Christ really does impact their life. Cascioli?s bid to take the evidence to court has been thrown out, but we are likely to see the case in the European Court as he is heading there. The decision either way will not make one bit of difference to most Christians who experience the undeniable presence of Christ in their life. And of course they will be called irrational, dishonest and unhinged ? and they won?t care either. Christ said the world would hate us and Paul said we will be thought foolish, so we expect nothing less. I accept that you think I am a sad moron for believing in something that cannot be verified.
From your perspective, I believe in a made up God and from my perspective you worship science and have a blind faith in humanity?s ability to right all things.
I am not anti-science except when it is elevated to the status of religion. We are destroying this planet and have already destroyed many of the species that inhabit it. Most of this has been fostered by our own inventions. We invented tools and then promptly used them to kill each other and lay waste to our environment. Science is great until it gets into the hands of people ? until it gets into the hands of the corporations hell-bent on making a buck at any cost ? until it gets out of the lab and is perverted by the masses. Science can no more separate itself from the Second World War and Hiroshima than can Christianity from the Crusades. Science has given us the ability to destroy this planet and is utterly devoid of any ability to deal with the one thing that is driving Global Warming and everything else that threatens us on a global scale ? Human Selfishness.
In the face of cataclysmic climate change we cannot give up our self indulgent lifestyles. In the UK the government has just refused permission for a wind-farm that would generate electricity for 100,000 homes ? because it bowed to the ?not in my back-yard? brigade. These people would rather see it scuppered than ?do their bit? for the environment. The USA continues to do what it wants and damn Kyoto. China is developing at an incredible pace and India won?t be far behind ? joining in the destruction of the environment like the rest of us. And in England, (where we all know as much as anyone else that if we don?t change we are doomed) we are moving to driving SUVs by the thousands. How will science really save us? How will what is done in a lab somewhere deal with the human consumer?
I find your faith in science and rational thought as our saviour, to be as bankrupt as you feel my faith is.
Almost everything Jesus said challenged our selfish natures. The message was to subjugate our own wants and desires to the greater good and put physical possessions in their place, instead of being driven to acquire them. This has always been seen as a needless suppression of everything we want to do that is enjoyable, but in fact goes right to the heart of the human condition and is now the one thing that society needs more than anything else ? the ability to grow up and realise that there is a price to be paid if we continue to have everything we desire. I know many Christians who live a frugal existence and who try to resist the all powerful consumerism that is devouring us.
I did not drive a car until I was thirty, but went everywhere on a bicycle. I bought a car when I became married. This was because I wanted to do my part in reducing carbon emissions. I know the non-religious do this also, but I personally wouldn?t have done it if my Christianity had not given me the framework of going without for the greater good.
How is science going to change people?s behaviour? Bush denies the need for Kyoto and puts his faith in science to give us technological solutions but it will be too little too late. And even with all of the needed technology in our hands we will still be selfish ? we will still think we can have our cake and eat it. What can be fashioned in a laboratory that will change that? How will knowing Pi to 10,000,000 decimal places change that?
What does science say of compassion, mercy, selflessness or justice?
I am not saying we do not need scientists ? far from it, and science is an incredible endeavour that will play an enormous part in righting human affairs ? but it will not get us the whole way, and people who believe it will do so are as guilty as anyone of an arrogant and blind faith.
As for ?I dunno maytey?s? new age science, it is a pick and mix feel-good rubbish that allows you to believe and feel warm and glowing without any of the cost of Christianity that demands that the true believer dies to their own needs and lives to others needs instead. You can be new age and do anything you please and believe anything you please. I do not see this as Christianity?s equal on any level.
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DA, I wasn't stating that astral travel is or is not valid, I was just stating that the ideas and practices of altering realities through meditation or drugs have been around for centuries longer then what you stated. Your stating the fact that life expectancies were shorter overlooks several things. For instance, we now have better means of birth control which lengths the lifespan of women almost automatically, many European countries lacked and actively avoided proper sanitiation methods believing that bathing was bad for you whereas most aboriginal people knew better. Living in an untamed wilderness will also knock off quite a few years as will lack of modern convienences. I never stated that herbs and herb knowledge was a cure all. What I was trying to point out by using the term miraculous, which is used by ethno-botantists when they describe some of the cures they are finding, is that science is proving to us ignorant and arrogant Westerners that there is a lot to be learned from the past Catholicism in it's desire to be the only religion has repressed and is still repressing ancient healing knoweldge because it is still considered the property of "evil devil worshippers" I have posted two of many links I could find that discuss this topic. As you read more about holitic medical treatments that are becoming more popular because in many cases they are just as effective with less side effects you find that the treatments are tied into Eastern philsophies or the aboriginals belief system and so I say again that science is validating ancient religious knowledge and beliefs. herbs diabetes
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Blacknad wrote: "At the centre of my faith lies an historical figure that I find to be unlike anyone else found in myth or legend."
How can you say that. Jesus Christ, as depicted in your bible is EXACTLY like that found in myth and legend. He is taken, almost verbatim, from The Epic of Gilgamesh.
And given this fact you are left with nothing.
Blacknad wrote: "I believe in a made up God and from my perspective you worship science and have a blind faith in humanity?s ability to right all things."
Au contraire mon ami. I am not that big a fool. I have no misconception about humans being able to right anything and never have I said anything that could possibly lead you to such a statement. I think us well on the path to self-destruction and a return of the unlucky few to living in caves.
Blacknad wrote: "In the face of cataclysmic climate change we cannot give up our self indulgent lifestyles."
Which one might point out is clearly present in our so-called socially responsible religious organizations.
Blacknad asks: "How is science going to change people?s behaviour?"
Sorry to be flip but how has religion changed people's behavior? No more prostitution? No more gambling? No more drunks or drug addicted souls? No more crimes against persons and/or property? Name one thing religion has actually accomplished. And I mean accomplished as finished, done, achieved. Doctors (SCIENCE) wiped out smallpox. All of the priests, rabbis, imams, and holy fathers never once actually cured a disease. When polio is gone you will not find the Nobel Prize in Medicine going to the Vactican will you? And we all know it. Something even you must acknowledge. Penicillin has save more lives than Jesus. Penicillin was not the result of prayer or divine revelation. And that too you must acknowledge.
When religion, any religion, can point to something, anything, and say "Mission Accomplished" it will be the dawn of a new era. And again, don't point to the insignificant few that are helped while ignoring the equal or greater number hurt. I want to see religion do as much good as the average ER surgeon. That's right ... scrape a bleeding body up off the pavement and heal it.
We will never ever see it. And you know it. And that fact alone should cause you to rethink the precarious nature of your belief system.
DA Morgan
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Chaos wrote: "I was just stating that the ideas and practices of altering realities through meditation or drugs have been around for centuries longer then what you stated."
I'll not argue the fact that ignorant people have been doing stupid things for a very long time They have been committing rape since the dawn of time. That does not validate the practice.
Chaos wrote: "For instance, we now have better means of birth control which lengths the lifespan of women almost automatically,...."
Please tell me your IQ is higher than this. I hate trying to debate someone whose IQ barely approaches room temperature. You can't find a medical journal to support such nonsense as one need only look at much of the third-world today, where life expectancies are low, to see the major cause of low life expectancy is infection and malnutrition.
But don't let facts stop you from marketing your belief system to the gulliable out here.
Chaos wrote: "What I was trying to point out by using the term miraculous, which is used by ethno-botantists when they describe some of the cures they are finding,"
I was wrong above. Your IQ is not approaching room temperature. I was one of those Ethno-botanists and you would know that if you read what I wrote. All of the discoveres of modern medicine based on ethnobotany have been performed by those of us that are Western trained scientifically inclined, and capable of understanding the difference between a double-blind study and an anecdote. You are a fool.
Chaos wrote: "Catholicism in it's desire to be the only religion has repressed and is still repressing ancient healing knoweldge"
It is not. This is pure nonsense. For all of its faults this is one area where the Catholic Church can not be faulted.
But go ahead ... prove arrogant science wrong. Cure malaria. Maybe with Cinchona Bark or bear fat or by chanting things you don't understand.
Chaos wrote: "As you read more about holitic medical treatments that are becoming more popular because in many cases they are just as effective with less side effects"
What you posted is anecdotal idiocies. Not a double-blind study, not a statistical analysis, not a peer reviewed journal paper, and a lot of poor stupid people suffering for their ignorance.
You should be ashamed of yourself for being a hypocrite.
DA Morgan
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Sorry to be flip but how has religion changed people's behavior? No more prostitution? No more gambling? No more drunks or drug addicted souls? No more crimes against persons and/or property? Name one thing religion has actually accomplished.
REP: Soma - that's the best thing on offer. Welcome to 'Brave New World'. But we already have that with TV and Xboxs. Huxley was no fool.
And you should study the Welsh revival of 1904. A majority of the UK Welsh population became Christians within a 10 month period.
Judges were left with nothing to do. The Police started to form Quartets to sing at weddings because there was so little to occupy them. You could literally go to your local policestation and book them to sing. The whole society was transformed beyond any recognition.
Almost a textbook experiment to see if Christianity actually has any substance when lived authentically.
Nothing else in the history of humanity has had such a transformative effect upon a population, and that includes Prozac.
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Ok DA,
If religion was not repressing knowledge how is it that during much of European history they preferred to use leeches, cut holes in people's heads to "release demons" instead of learning from the Orient who they traded with for centuries? Europeans have always felt that anyone who was not white or Catholic was inferior and their knowledge was useless.
I will provide you with more links at a later date re: ethnobotanists and what they are learning and I am sure that they will meet your standards.
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In response to: "Prozac!" Blacknad wrote: "Soma - that's the best thing on offer."
Have you ever taken Soma? Probably not. Perhaps some reading is in order. The nauseau is as intense as with chemotherapy. If that's a religious experience you can count me out.
Blacknad wrote: "A majority of the UK Welsh population became Christians within a 10 month period."
I know my history. There are entire countries that changed religion in a single day. Most people value their necks.
Blacknad continued: "Judges were left with nothing to do. ... The whole society was transformed beyond any recognition."
To what we see today. The most impoverished part of the UK where everyone is Christian and suffers all of the same vices as the rest of the Brits.
Has it dawned upon you that there is a reason why things are as they are? Are you going to blame it on the fact that people hated everything being near perfect, Satan, or the fact that maybe your facts are slightly amiss.
Blacknad wrote: "Nothing else in the history of humanity has had such a transformative effect upon a population, and that includes Prozac."
Two thoughts: 1. Prozac lasts longer. 2. Obviously you've never been to Wales.
I'll send you a postcard ... plan to be there in May for at least a week for a nice young lady's 90th birthday party. She's a real treat. Especially when she's out on a fox hunt.
DA Morgan
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Dan wrote - "Have you ever taken Soma? Probably not. Perhaps some reading is in order. The nauseau is as intense as with chemotherapy. If that's a religious experience you can count me out."
REP: I was likening Prozac to Soma, as in 'Brave New World'. Just commenting on the eery likeness of your offer of Prozac as a solution, to the use of Soma as the opiate of the masses in BNW.