Mr. Natural's Fortune Cookies:
Modern day 'Finalized Reality' is like a trolley schedule - there'll be another one along shortly ('Theory of Everything').
Today's hypotheses are often perceived and presented as theories, and conversely.
The good ol boy, clique-established insiders have prohibited the designated scientific outsiders from leading the former out of the accumulatively collapsed entanglement of gravitons, mesons, quarks, tachyeons, the Copenhagen Interpretation, Lagrange 'Zero Gravity', strangeness, tired plastic red shift, a non expanding universe, and a ridiculous bracelet of super strung out charms.
Things have never been more like they are today.
The meteorologically scientific sky is falling.
Lao Tzu's 'butterfly theory' really is empirically and politically correct (rig for heavy turbulence).
There will be a change in the weather.
Here's hoping this review is posted in the appropriate category of GoGo subjects.