I was happy to see your description of China's socio-economic situation. I can't write much these days until I get a new computer, but that is certainly the image that I have received of China over the past few years. I certainly was trying to imply all of that in my above post.* And regarding that statistic, I don't think it accounts for the pollution created by building their infrastructure (to support our consumerism) either.

*re: my post from other thread: "Greenhouse gasses hit record high"
The article mentions China' growing contribution. Although I'vew been worrying about another contributer as large as the US, I hadn't realized that the US is fueling some of China's growth. While our contribution ~1/4 of world pollution has dropped several % (as other country's proportion rises), something like 12-15% of China's pollution is produced to make stuff for the US (Walmart).

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.