TNZ wrote:
"Are there any people of American Indian ancestry in the forum? I look forward to any comments they might care to make."

I would too but that might be all to predictable.

The reality of human existance is that everyone alive today is the beneficiary of some horrible act of genocide, torture, and theft in some form or another. And everyone alive today is also the descendant of someone victimized by genocide, torture, and theft.

Get over it!

At some point someone has to draw the line and say enough is enough. We can not go back and rectify the past wrongs. We must go forward and provide each and every citizen equal opportunity, based on their ability, to achieve.

What happened to the Native Americans was a crime. But what they did before that crime was similarly criminal. Those we call "Native Americans" were not the first inhabitants of this continent.

As long as Mexico guards its southern border with armed Federales to prevent Guatemalan's from coming North they are in no moral position to lecture the US about closing off its border. There is more than enough hypocrisy to go around.

DA Morgan