Originally posted by Te Urukehu:
Rigor. The situation you describe appears to be what is confronting humanity today. We have industrial human represented by the first world and we have subsistence human represented by the third world. Should we allow subsistence human to perish in acordance with evolutionary theory - or attempt to assist in some way? If we allow subsistence human to perish - what effect will this have on the level of our own humanity? Does it matter? if it does matter, why?
I beg to differ. The situation Rigor describes is NOT confronting humanity today. "Subsistance human" and "industrial human" are exactly the same!!! Take "subsistance human" and put him/her into "industrial human's" habitat, or vice-versa, and each will *miraculously* become the other.

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
--S. Lewis