Originally posted by jjw:
So what have they resolved?

They have already found an object believed to be larger than Pluto. I can understand the definition must contain more than an orbit around the Sun due to the many Asteroids, Pluto has a sizeable Moon of its own, Charon. Mars has two little rock satellites that are not even close to being spheres. So, size is important after all. Possibly they are afraid they will discover more large objects and they will run out of fingers with which to count them.
I enjpy the entertainment.
Looks like you could be right
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - "Hundreds of U.S. (300)scientists have challenged a recent decision by an international astronomy group to strip Pluto of its planetary status with a petition rejecting its definition of what constitutes a planet.
Dissenters are organizing a conference next year to hash out a better definition, of what is a Planet?"
Pluto as a Planet may well be saved


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