ok, so if this is going to destroy the worlds life, how did life live 55 million years ago?

i do believe they guy (tim) from John's link is on the right track here. good one, John.

Did you see this from the same guy.


In the last 40 million years the earth has been cooling, caused by a steady leaching of atmospheric CO2 into the earth. This has been accomplished by the fact that rainwater chemically reacts to atmospheric CO2 to produce a weak solution of carbonic acid, which has in turn combined chemically with silicates, calcites, and other metals. The bicarbonates thus produced wash off into the ocean, where the end up on the ocean floor.
I also like this comment.

One?s view of the net direction of global temperature is an artifact of the timescale on which you base your judgments. The discredited ?hockey stick? graph, which shows global temperatures lurching upward in the last 50 years, and which is so much beloved of the IPCC and the global warming crowd, takes on a new significance in the light of these longer vistas: if real, then no more significant than the trembling of a leaf.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.