in ancient egypt cats were worshiped along with owls and several other animals.

perhaps there is more to this than we think.

I had a cat once that seemed to be in dissagreement with the choices of clothes I bought and the type of car I drive.

sometimes the cat would even seem to dislike some types of tv programs I watched , I remember when lassie was on the cat would get figity ond scratch me repeatedly trying to get attention

and believe it or not the cat even refused to even enter the kitchen when the trash can was slightly full , I had to empty the trash 3 - 4 times daily.

I sometimes would become so frustrated at the kittys behavior that I would rasie my voice at him and he would get mad at me and leave for weeks at a time. but he would always come back around the feeding times.

I wonder if the cats parasites simply ensure that the cats are fed properly?

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.