Curcumin the yellow pigment present in Curry Spices and Tumeric, may not only ward off the brain disease Alzheimers, but it could also be used to treat existing victims, researchers say.
Professor Gregory Pole and his University of California research team have found that Curcumin pevents the accumulation in the brain of the dangerous protein known as, Beta Amyloids, the most common cause of Alzheimers disease.
This discovery may explain why in India rates of Alzheimers are the lowest in the world.

Additional information published in the 'Journal of Biological Chemistry' reveals that the low molecular weight of curcumin, allows it to easily penetrate the brain and attach itself to the beta amyloids, curbing their damaging effects.
Researchers now hope that Curcumin could be used as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drug for other diseases.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.