I have promised that I will post the report by the "peer reviewer" on my manuscript about the mechanism of superconduction. The "peer reviewer" took four months to write the following:

Editor, Physica C
Ref Report
In the present manuscript :" Superconductivity: coherent "tunnelling"
by a dielectric array of charge-carriers" the author proposed a
"new mechanism" for superconductivity. This mechanism is not based
on the requirement that electrons create Cooper pairs below the transition

1) The microscopic mechanism for the description of low temperature
superconductors (s-pairing) is known since 1957. This mechanism
describes well all known experimental data on low temperature
superconductors and it is a text book material. Therefore there is no
need to consider a "new mechanism" for the low temperature

2) The microscopic mechanism for high temperature superconductors is indeed
not known. However, in the present manuscript I can see several important
missing points:
i) It is not shown explicitly that the proposed "new mechanism" provides a smaller
value for the ground state energy of the superconducting state in comparison with
the value of the ground state energy of the normal state.
ii) There are no comparisons with the numerous experimental data on
thermodynamic properties of high temperature superconductors.
iii) It is not clear what are the new predictions which follow from the proposed
mechanism and what kind of experiments are necessary to check a
validity of this mechanism.

In conclusion I do not recommend this

It does not require a brilliant IQ to realise that the "peer reviewer" is blocking the paper in order to protect the status quo; i.e his own publications in this field. So one has to respond. See next posting.