however, you have not given me a reason WHY the electric field falls to zero once an equilibrium current has been reached between two contacts.
This is explained in detail in textbooks such as the one by Rickayzen.

From BCS theory, or any other previous model, there is NO physical reason why this should happen.
Nonsense. Read the book by Rickayzen or any other book on this topic. I have to admit that I studied the topic a long time ago and I don't know the details anymore.

All the elementary properties of low temperature superconductors have been derived rigorously from theory. You are claiming that BCS theory is flawed, so it is up to you to show exactly where BCS theory goes wrong.

Of course, the theory is only an effective description of a superconductor, but that doesn't prove that the theory is fundamentally flawed. Also, the fact that I can't explain here how you can derive from BCS theory all the properties of a superconductor isn't a valid argument that BCS theory is wrong.