Timer: "...t=dKE..."

And this stands exactly for what?

Timer: "A failure in the logic circuit...like most <if not ALL>people, you think of time and energy as two different things, as the phrase : "don't waste your time AND energy" is quite common..."

Error #1: You have no clue what I think, for starters.

Timer:"...Yes, I know, it seems to be a minor point <t=dKE>, but such are the subtle forks in the road between truth and falsehood, right and wrong..."

Yeah, yeah, yeah...Cut this mystico-scientological rambling and get to the point. YOU should spend more TIME AND ENERGY in trying to make your points clearer.

Timer:"...You now stand at that fork : define, precisely, the difference between time and kinetic energy."

As for the definition you want, this is rather trivial. Yu can define a time variable without having to involve the concept of kinetic energy (see the pure timelike event I mentioned previously).