Originally posted by Kate:
The Chinese Academy of Sciences - the country's top scientific body - has announced that the glaciers of the Tibetan plateau are vanishing so fast that they will be reduced by 50 per cent every decade. Each year enough water permanently melts from them to fill the entire Yellow River...
The Tibetan Plateau has risen 0.2 to 0.4 degrees Celsius since the early 1970s, this is not even close to enough to cause this.. these numbers are from NASA in case morgan wants to dispute them with his usual commentary lacking any scientific fact or proof.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, is less than a stellar institution, a place where a great many TEACHERS have nothing more than a 2 year degree, not my idea of higher learning, nor quality.

If there is in fact melting happening, the differental in the ambient air temperature of Tibet Plateau is not even close to being warm enough to cause this as per NASA.

China is without a doubt the largest enviromental nightmare on the planet for the following, Dust and Ash, Toxic and Greenhouse Emissions, Industrial Emissions, Lack of Visibility due to airborne pollutants..

Here is a quote from a NASA report on China..
The Eastern China sea shows the widespread nature of the pollution problem. Beijing has completely disappeared under the haze.
China is the last one who should be saying anything about Global Warming based on their practices, China has record crop losses due to air and water pollution, The China sea is almost as dead as the Great Salt Lake.. and on and on.. China makes the former Soviet Union look like a clean room.

NEVER Underestimate the power of stupidity!