Originally posted by Mike Kremer:
Hi Amaranth
Nice to see you up here. A moderators job awaits
you (see my last post page1/2 new Board)

Shocking the 'Frankenfish' dead will not solve the problem. The longer a fish is, yes, the more liable they are to electric shock, but a lot more other fish will be killed as well. Then there is the 'wait' until other 'Frankenfish' are found.
Introducing freshwater 'Pike' might be the answer they will eat young Frankenfish, (and other types) But they are wonderful 'sport' for fishermen, when caught on the end of a rod.
I don't think they intend to kill the fish so much as stun them so they can be scooped up and "censused" and released back alive. Ae least that is my understanding.

Waiting might provide the fish with the opportunity to multiply and spread beyond any hope of containment.

From what I know of the Great Lakes, I'd expect there to be pike (muskelunge) in them. The trouble I see there is that Pike are less prolific than Snakeheads; at least that is my impression. From where I sit as a Biologist it doesn't look good. But what would I know? It's not like I'm a "real" scientist or anything; heck, I don't even know Morse Code, and it's been years since I carried a slide rule. I've even been known to change a subjet header from time to time; I should probably be guillotined for that. Just a good-for-nothing heretic, I am.

Don't tease me about a job just now. I'm just getting over a bout of ARF induced by medications. I'm sicker than the proverbial poisoned pup. Iatrogenic illness; gotta love it.